
I Am A Teacher, Babe, Bitch
Gender Woman
Relationship It's a secret
Location Las Vegas, NV
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Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: BDSM
Joined: Sep 24th, 2011
Last Seen: Jun 2nd 2012
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I have a very high I.Q., education, a good job as a teacher at Mountain View School in Las Vegas, and am a successful single mom. But deep inside I sometimes crave loosing control and being "made into" something that someone else wants me to be. But it has to feel real, not just role-playing.

I am in the process of figuring out what it is I want. In the mean time, I'm still open to getting to know others and friendship, but please be patient as I'm learning about myself.

I feel like there are 2 parts of me. The part of me that goes to my kid's soccer games, teaches Sunday School...Then, the part that has this side...I need to be owned. I don't want it. I need it. I hate having control. I crave being told how to wear my hair, paint my nails. I want to surrender control. I need a man who is strong enough to guide me and shape me into the woman I'm meant to be. Although, make no mistake, I would much rather be a good girl, I do enjoy being a brat sometimes, if only because I crave the discipline that is sure to follow. While I don't enjoy being beaten, I love the soreness, the bruises that result for days.

I believe a woman's place is in the home, catering to her family. As a single mom, I have to work, and I see how my son pays the price that I can't be there for him. There is an old, possibly fake, article floating around the net called The Good Wife's Guide. THAT is what I strive for. I suppose you could call me an anti-feminist.

I'm not a doormat. I want a man who values my opinion, listens to it, and makes the final decision. He makes it, I don't. I want a man, maybe even need a man, with whom I can have intelligent conversation. I love a good debate. I love it more so when I know I won't win.... even if I'm right. I feel as though I am intelligent, articulate, and able to discuss many topics...except politics. I strongly feel that is a man's world.

I guess you could say I'm looking for a Taken in Hand relationship with a Christian man who is my best friend, and just happens to enjoy leaving bruises

I want someone who, in addition to controlling me, also loves me and cherishes me. I want to be cuddled and cared for. Yes, I want bruises, but there's so much more. The kinks and such, I think, would work themselves out. I mean, there are things I like, but I can do without them, as long as I have a man who controls and cherishes me.

As you can see by my profile, I want a HoH/TiH relationship. I hate having control.

I want the man I'm with to be my best friend. Someone I can laugh with, tell my secrets to. The person I can't wait to talk to throughout the day.

I think being submissive can easily work in a vanilla world. There are many many ways to be subtly submissive. You ordering for me in a restaurant (if I've earned it, I get to chose my meal), I might debate with you among our friends, but ultimitely, I concede the point to you, even if I think I'm right.

I want the relationship people envy. I want to be so close to my man that I can't imagine going for a stretch of time without him.

I'm a simple girl. I want a big family with a Christian man. I don't need much to be happy. I like to sew, scrapbook, and I confess, I do love a good latte.

I'm wondering if perhaps i'm not really "submissive". Obviously a word alone doesn't define me, and all that matters is what my partner and i have together...but I like words, and I'd like to find one that feels right. Also, a label is not useful unless people with the same label actually share some characteristics.

First of all, I have no desire to "serve", especially in a D/s sense. As a vanilla girlfriend, sure, I like making my partner happy, and it feels good to make a meal or do a favor or some such. But I get no kinky thrill from it at all, and it is totally mood dependent. And I'd get real cranky if that desire to please were one-sided! Other subs seem to get way more pleasure than I do from doing stuff because Master Likes It.

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