
Male Dom bristol/somerset
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location bristol/somerset
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: BDSM
Joined: Aug 20th, 2012
Last Seen: May 16th 2013
Uploads: 54
Upload Views: 2,266
Profile Views: 967
Favorited: 74
Friend Count: 13
Subscribers: 5
Board Posts: 6
Board Points: 10
Male Dom looking for another sub, I am looking for a female sub. Can be online at first to get to know each other. I rather it be sensual and pleasure than nothing but pain. I am interested in restraints, nipple-clit-pussy pumping, anal play, ball gagging, spanking etc. I have experience helping subjects like yourself explore and fulfill various fantasies, dreams, desires and needs. I have dealt with the novice as well as the experienced and will take you to places you always wanted to go. You must be willing to obey me and learn the differance between right and wrong, which in turn you will get rewarded.

lukejohnson_10's achievements 3

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10 years


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