
Go Ahead She Isn't Looking!
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Alberta
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Incest
Joined: Oct 22nd, 2012
Last Seen: 12h ago
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I remember the first time I thought about incest, though I dont remember how old I was. I remember the feeling vividly, the sickening twist in my gut as I did something I knew I wasnt supposed to, but I also remember the rush. The rush I haven't been able to find a match for since that day.

I've been keeping this secret from everyone in my life for as long as i've had it, and I have very few outlets for it. So recently I started writing family erotica, to get these fantasies I have in my head out into the universe. 

I love chatting to people like me, real people who are honest about their fantasies and experiences. 

bro1818's achievements 3

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