
Subs only...kidding
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location New York, New york
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Sexuality: Straight
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Joined: Feb 20th, 2017
Last Seen: Apr 11th 2017
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Let's see well started my own business at 21 and have grown it successfully into what it is now, I create the things I sell to retailers myself from the sketch to making it for the first time then testing it. I'm mostly doing homeware right now recently started with clothes too. My business is my passion, one of them anyway.

Personally I am an adrenalin junkie anything crazy, I'll do it. Did a lot of skydiving, bunjee jumping, river rafting, rock climbing, and still do. Sexually I'm into a lot so it's best to ask, but so you know I'm dominant by nature, have tried the other side, but it just wasn't me. Just not into vanilla stuff.

Anything else you wanna know just ask.

The name is Sykes.

adventurelife's achievements 2

1 year
5 years


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