
Mistress 2 Submit 2.....
Gender Man
Relationship Married and looking
Location midwest - iowa
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Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: BDSM
Joined: Aug 5th, 2012
Last Seen: Feb 22nd 2020
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Board Points: 8
My Goddess is whom i submit to in every way. I swear to serve her to the best of my ability and to make her happy and satisfied with all my might. I would be honest, willing, serious and sincere in whatever training or session we will be dealing in the near future. I wont entertain and not allowed to speak or to talk to any other Mistress's online as i am her property from now on and onwards unless ill be set free or released" You must get her permission, and she must tell me it is ok to submit to another, I am her willing slave, and ever loyal servant, and do, just as she commands

As the day rises, I will think of My Mistress, my Goddess. When I feel my cage against my skin I will thank my Goddess.I will worship My Mistress as She deserves to be...... I love to worship my Goddess, hours of me licking, probing those sweet pink lips, your back arching as my tongue surrounds that sweet lil clit, every moan my tongue elicits making my cock throb, your thighs starting to shake as you move ever closer, your hand on my head, moving my tongue, just where you wish it....

abbazabba69's achievements 3

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