
I only torture human animals
Gender Woman
Relationship Single and not looking
Location Motherless dungeon
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Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: Masturbation
Joined: Apr 28th, 2019
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I am interested in several different "fetish" treatments. But primarily have an urge to suppress or "ruin" my orgasms. I feel like I would be much better off if I had a clitoridectomy. This would greatly help me maintain my strict self-imposed orgasm discipline.
As a compromise, I like to make my clitoris and most of my vulva numb, by rubbing it with lidocaine, and then covering the area with medical tape. Then I can masturbate without much sensation at all from my erogenous zones. This usually causes my nipples to become extremely sensitive, and I often rub some of the lidocaine into my nipples as well. This greatly reduces the danger of having an orgasm before I am ready for it.
And then while I am denying myself orgasm repeatedly, I like to watch someone be suffocated or hanged. Or suffer electric torture or being punched or kicked. While watching these videos I will continue to manipulate my clit/labia/nipples numbed with the lidocaine, but then immediately removing my hands when I start getting too close to the point of triggering the orgasm. I often continue this for many hours, sometimes even stopping and then restarting the treatment the next day, if I have time.
But I am not happy with just the lidocaine, since it only lasts for 3-4 hours, and doesn't make the genitals numb deep into the tissue. I would really like to have the clitoridrectomy, or at least some form of surgical alteration, to sever the dorsal nerves. But I realize that is much easier said than done. So for now I will stick to using lidocaine to help maintain my discipline and have all my orgasms ruined.

I like to write realistic stories based on real events, but of course with a certain twist on things. You can send me a message if you would like to read some of it.

Mariemm's achievements 1

1 year

Mariemm's Comments

20 Apr 2024 Mariemm commented
@tegan obviously. Just look at her eyebrows.
13 Apr 2024 Mariemm commented
@r3hmon Yes, this has always fascinated me, haha
13 Apr 2024 Mariemm commented
@Steve1486 Indeed
13 Apr 2024 Mariemm commented
good thrusting
13 Apr 2024 Mariemm commented
Very nice.
13 Apr 2024 Mariemm commented
@aizval Yes, she is very pretty, I think


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