
43m 48f married couple
Gender Couple
Relationship Couple looking for single
Location Port Angeles, WA
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Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Voyeur
Joined: Dec 6th, 2021
Last Seen: Dec 18th 2021
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43m 48f married couple from Philly living up here in Port Angeles. Jenn surprised me w this whole cuckold dominance humiliation thing one night when we were high asf. I've always been turned on by sharing. I've shared my wife and ex gf that passed but not Jenn yet. Bit she got really into it about how she needed a bigger dick then mine and how I'm not allowed to fuck her until after I clean her up after she tells him to nut inside her while I beg her not to let him do that and so on. We both came like never before. But what happened is as things go, the turn on to Jenn was the power trip on me, the making me watch. If I'm fucking digging it than it loses its appeal. so while I begged her to make it happen it became my thing and what made her wet was denying me and fucking someone alright. But behind my back. I found out and while completely heartbroken and feeling betrayed I did completely understand and even have to accept some blame. We think we found a favorable solution.

Bobbynjenn555's achievements 1

1 year


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