10 Oct 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@MimAlf They certainly are. Especially as she is lactating, now.

She wasn't when I took these photos.
10 Oct 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@greatimp99 I'm not familiar with Zuse, other than the electromechanical computer from the late 30s. What was it connected to on her?
10 Oct 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
Was that an electrical device? What did you have it connected to?
10 Oct 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@MimAlf Thank you. I do, too.

Be sure to check out my other uploads. There's more of her.

And there will be more, too. Any requests?
19 Aug 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@mikefrombristol I just created a tubular breasts group here on ML. Join, and help it grow.

Tabitha Blue is the most prominent porn star to have them.
18 Aug 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@Inquisitive1 Technically, it's AC, but it's a square wave with a low duty cycle. The peak voltage is, IIRC, about 40, and that amplitude is controlled by the pair of large knobs on the top of the box. The other controls are frequency and pulse width. The pulses are very short, hence the low duty cycle.
18 Aug 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@Inquisitive1 the initial danger was as overstated as the solution was ineffective. You're going to have about as much electricity at the heart with two electrodes on the left breast as doing cross-chest connections.

Anything above the waist is a bad idea if there's a heart condition involved, but there's almost nothing that box can do to a healthy heart.

I'm pretty sure that rule was made by somebody who knew it made no difference, but wanted to convince others that electric w
17 Aug 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@johnbee @mikefrombristol @ineedmomcare they're called tubular breasts, if you're interested. There's been a couple porn stars with them.
12 Jul 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@CoonCat Easy to miss. Starts at 17:15 and lasts 30 seconds. Supposedly it was cut short because she didn't like it. I heard a rumor of another cut of this film where she says as much.
15 Apr 2019 zsvdkhnorc commented
@krystlez Charlotte Blue, sometimes on social media as CharlotteBlew or CharlotteXBlue. Enjoy!
25 Apr 2018 zsvdkhnorc commented
How well is it washed between uses?
14 Dec 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
Who is this?
14 Dec 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
@doctor_don @itguyfla My thoughts exactly.
27 Nov 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
@Virgin_mouse Vacbeds are so expensive they can't afford a muffler for their vacuum.
27 Nov 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
@Virgin_mouse I'm sure you've no shortage of volunteers.
26 Nov 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
Found it. Uploaded it. http://motherless.com/A4C1C86
16 Oct 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
@tomsmeg I remember what she said when she originally posted this and her one other video. She claimed to be a 19 year old Canadian college student, and she said that she filled a cup with dirt from outside. There's another video of her masturbating with a stick she found outside. I think it's also on ML, and I'll post a link if I can find it.
27 Feb 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
@celticrose69 Yes. Specifically, it looks like on for goats. There's probably another pair that are blocked off for the other set of teats.
27 Feb 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
@abuse_me_yesss They go for sheltered places with blood vessels near the surface. What place is better? Back when that site was in its original ownership, the description on the video, which seemed to be written by the model, mentioned how they just gravitated to that one spot.

Ants, on the other hand, have to be enticed to their targets.
03 Jan 2017 zsvdkhnorc commented
There's quite the story behind this photo.
18 Dec 2016 zsvdkhnorc commented
@PrinceJulian666 I didn't know, but it seems that it's from the Zero Years. I'll update the description accordingly.
31 Aug 2016 zsvdkhnorc commented
@Nort12 IIRC, 411 fell for PD, but he didn't reciprocate. She, however, did anything he wanted. He, however, fell for 101, and tried to save her from her drug habit by keeping her in bondage as much as possible, where she couldn't use. She, however, would do anything for the money for drugs.

It's been a long time, though. There was a lot going on behind the scenes there.
22 Aug 2016 zsvdkhnorc commented
@Nina_Unknown How unfortunate. I'm sure we'll come up with something, regardless.
10 Aug 2016 zsvdkhnorc commented
@Nina_Unknown Then I'll just have to beat on them until they bruise. The nice thing about my clamps is that the breasts don't go numb from loss of circulation, so you get to feel every minute in them.
28 Jul 2016 zsvdkhnorc commented
@Nina_Unknown I made some clamps to get around the problem of blood circulation in tied boobs. They'll hold the breast with no problem, but in tests on my wife her breasts did not change color even after an hour.
27 Jun 2016 zsvdkhnorc commented
From the (pretty good) 1986 horror film, Trick or Treat. Spoilers: the woman in this clip, played by Elise Richards in her only nude scene, is Genie Wooster, the girlfriend of the lead bully to the main character, and a bully in her own right. What she encounters is the ghost of a heavy metal musician with murderous plans.
13 Mar 2016 zsvdkhnorc commented
Anybody looking for more breasts like that, it's called 'tubular breasts.' The pornstar Tabitha Blue/Bleu had them, too.