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Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


28 Jun 2019
@rigger41 mmmhmmm...


27 Jun 2019
@rigger41 yes, Sir and so would i, to be honest... i long to be immersed in subspace...


27 Jun 2019
@eralov i am not sure where the line is for me yet, so i would enjoy it too.


27 Jun 2019
@rigger41 can i really be in a mind space so deeply that i wouldn't notice?

As for her arm, i didn't see that until You pointed it out. i think she is definitely a former cutter.

i have never felt the urge to cut, but i have experimented with scratching myself with my fingernails or digging them into my skin. A former Dom directed me to punch my thigh during edging... i actually enjoy that. You know i have a fondness for heavy impact play...


26 Jun 2019
@eralov the line between pain and pleasure is different for each of us...I would think finding that line with Your partner, through experimentation and communication, would be an enjoyable thing.


26 Jun 2019
@eralov it would still be very painful on my sensitive nipples but... getting close to my limit would be like another sort of edging...


25 Jun 2019
@rigger41 Good spotting! For some reason, I always assumed that a cutter would do them all in the same direction.


25 Jun 2019
@eralov how much would You want it to hurt? Enough to draw out my safe word? Enough to make me cry?


25 Jun 2019
Another lovely upload... that would hurt so much...