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Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


26 Dec 2018
The last time I did this, I remember getting to at least 12 shots interspersed with some hardcore huffing and stroking, when I blacked out. I woke up about an hour and a half after I had started the challenge, covered in cum and still so drunk I couldn't see straight.

I immediately took two more shots and started huffing to some great poppers porn as I stroked and stroked. I ended up doing 6 more shots this way before I had another orgasm.


13 Aug 2018
@fingolfin33 Add whatever you like! Yes, edge hard as you can throughout.


12 Aug 2018
Can we add smoking cigarets. I'm only a rare smoker and smoking gives me head spinning and if i some too fast it makes me sweat.
And do we have To edge as much as possible To be sure To pile or pass out?


17 Jul 2018
I did this last week on a "sick" day. It was fucking glorious! I was so fucking wasted! Pure bliss. I can't wait to do it again. I hope I last longer so I can get even more fucked up! If only I had some drugs to mix in.