• Hi, I read your comment on Sarah Small's Tableau Vivant video here, I was wondering if you can tell me any more about her productions? I'm in China and finding information about her is kind of difficult. I guess I'd like to kno if there's any other productions she's done, and if you know where they could be viewed online? That performance blew me away, I'd love to see more of her stuff. BTW, is she a performer in that video as well?
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    • rain999 27 Feb 2012
      Hey, blueflacon. Sarah Small's website is here: http://www.sarahsmall.com/ and you'll find lots of information about her as well as contact info if you'd like to ask her about her work. She occassionally does appear in her own work, apparently. You'll find her to be quite interesting, I think. Where in China are you? Do you travel to the States, often? (Nice to hear from you, by the way.)
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