• I am a Catholic, but i have to say, incest makes sense. When a mother brings up her son, she brings him up to care, to interact intelligently, and also to be a man who pursues meaningful relationships. She knows he can give care, intelligent interaction, and sexual pleasure to his friends and girlfriend. If he does not give care and intelligent interaction to her, but only to a girlfriend, would she not think him ungrateful?

    So naturally, the mother should think him ungrateful if he gives sexual pleasure to his girlfriend but not to his own mother. So there is no reason why a mother should not expect sex from her son. And there is no reason why a son should not desire sex with his mother. After all, she made more effort in bringing him up than any friend or girlfriend of his. So he owes her a significant portion of all that he can give others.

    So, despite my Christianity, i have to say that not having an incestuous relationship with your mother, or father, is ingratitude. Care, intelligent interaction, and incest, is the Trinity of Love between a son or daughter and both their parents.

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