• The point isn't if you are gay. Nobody starts off gay. But what the focus should be is, if you DARE to be gay. To challenge your inhibitions and enjoy the pleasure of indulgence in the forbidden. After all, one cannot ignore the fact that forbidden ITSELF brings excitement, and when it is paired with sex, it increases the pleasure of sex to great heights. And it is that fact that guarantees that 'being gay' if you are not yet, will give great pleasure. When you fuck a woman, you get the pleasure of sex. If you want to heighten that pleasure, you do kinky and forbidden things with her. But when you have sex with a man, THAT itself is forbidden and kinky itself. That's why homosex always brings great pleasure. So the point here is, do you dare to get past your silly inhibitions and suck and fuck a man. The next time you are out with a guy friend, allow yourself a moment of thinking about fucking his mouth while you are with him, and do it till you get past your inhibitions. That's when you are real man, as a man is one who DARES! Amen.
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