• AcidRain71 02 May 2018
    I posted my confession about my daughter and I a few days ago but for some reason it disappeared shortly after I posted it. I'm not quite sure why, I can only assume there was some sort of glitch. I'm going to try this again and hopefully it won't disappear this time. There's a young lady I've known from birth, we'll call her Diane. Diane is my daughter. Not my biological daughter, but my daughter in every other sense you could think of. I've seen Diane grow from birth to a wonderful young lady of 21 years. Over the years I've fallen in love with her in every way you could imagine falling in love with somebody – yes, we even had a romantic involvement for a short period of time. Recently Diane and her boyfriend Jack found themselves in a bad situation and I opened my home to them, as I've always promised Diane she would have a home with me if ever wanted or needed. Jack knows Diane and I are very close but he has no clue about the romantic involvement between us that happened shortly after she turned 18 and as far as Diane and I are both concerned he never needs to know about that part of our past. Because of that Jack will never know about my Motherless account. Diane and I discussed that and we're in agreement if he sees some of the things I have on here (specifically the father/daughter stuff) we're afraid he'll end up getting ideas in his head that neither of us want him to have. Circumstances during our romantic interlude kept us from really following through on our relationship as a couple, but as luck would have it we did manage to have one night together. That night instantly became one of my fondest memories, something I'll always cherish. Circumstances being what they were, our romantic relationship was pretty much doomed but my God, for that short time it lasted, I wouldn't trade the passion I had for her for anything. Even though we've gone back to our previous father/daughter relationship I still carry a small spark of the flame inside of me and I always will. About that father/daughter relationship... Diane and I have always been very open with each other and that's included sexually as well. She's told me her deepest, darkest secrets and I've told her mine. To this day we still have conversations that are decidedly not father/daughter talks. It's that kind of openness that led us to the events of last week. My apartment has virtually no privacy. It's never been an issue with me because I've lived alone until now. Jack recently started a new job so that's given Diane and I some “alone time” to talk about the things I'm not comfortable discussing in front of him. Diane knows all of my kinks, perversions, and general sexual preferences/activities and I'm completely comfortable talking to her about anything. A couple days ago I woke up to Diane sitting in my bedroom watching tv. We started talking and the conversation turned to my frustration with not being able to follow my normal routine, which involves me being able to rub out my daily orgasm. I jokingly said to Diane “You wouldn't get upset if I told you to turn your head for a few minutes while I do my thing, would you?” Diane responded by telling me to go ahead and do my thing, she was cool with it. When all was said and done I was laying in my bed, buck naked with my makeshift dildo crammed up my ass, pulling myself off while my daughter sat at the end of the bed, mere inches away from me, just like it was a normal thing. Once I'd finished and cleaned myself off we talked a little about what I do to get myself off. I mentioned to her that the brush handle I use was kinda small and wasn't really doing the job I wished it would but I just hadn't gotten around to buying myself a proper dildo. She mentioned that her and Jack had talked about her getting a toy and the next thing I knew we were in the car on our way to the sex shop to go toy shopping. We came home with a vibrator Diane helped me pick out for myself, a bullet and a new outfit for her, and plenty of lube. I was actually pretty excited about finally having a proper toy to use on myself and the whole idea of sex shopping with my daughter had me worked up again as it was. I couldn't wait to try out my dildo so there I was on the bed doing myself for the second time of the day. After I had finished myself off again Diane went to try on the outfit she bought. She told me she needed me to give her my opinion on what Jack would think. When she walked out of the bathroom with her new lingerie on my cock instantly went hard as a rock. I've always seen Diane as a stunningly beautiful young lady and in this outfit she was just flat out fucking H-O-T. I took one look at her and said if Jack doesn't eat her alive on sight I'll smack the fuck out of him. Shit, I would have had her on the bed myself with my face buried in her crotch right there on the spot if she would have let me, something I plainly said to her. When I told her to turn around and let me see from the back I quickly realized the back of the outfit was completely see through and left her gorgeous ass on full display which only made my cock that much harder. I could have sat there and stared for hours. She asked me to hold her hair back for her so she could re-do the top. As I was standing behind her with her hair in my hand I leaned in and said in her ear “You know you just made my cock hard, right?” She told me she was sorry and I responded “No you're not” to which she said in a devilish tone of voice “You're right, I'm not!” After a few more moments of modeling her outfit for me she returned to the bathroom where she got back into her regular clothes and we went about the rest of the day as normal. The next morning I'd been woken earlier than normal and I couldn't fall back to sleep before I had to get up for the day. Everything from the day before was stuck in my head and I was horny as fuck. I started thinking about my new toy and said to Diane I was thinking about taking it in the bathroom for a few, except our bathroom is really small and I just wasn't sure I was going to be comfortable trying to do my thing in that cramped little room. Diane responded by saying she hadn't had a chance to try out her bullet yet and she was thinking about pulling that out and getting her freak on herself. I matter of factly said to her “Go ahead, I'm not going to say anything”. Diane said to me “I know you won't”. It had pretty much been decided then that we were both down for a mutual masturbation session. While Diane went to the bathroom I stripped down, lubed up, and started toying my asshole with my dildo. When Diane came out of the bathroom I saw her lay down in the living room and thought something was wrong. When I asked she said nothing was wrong, she was just getting her toy ready to use. I said to her I thought she was coming back in the bedroom with her toy but apparently she wasn't. Feeling bold and incredibly turned on by the thought of my daughter fucking herself I straight out asked her “Do you mind if I stay in here and watch you?” She told me go ahead, she had no problem with me watching. I grabbed a chair and worked my dildo into my ass before sitting down next to Diane. While I was getting my toy in place I saw Diane slip her hand down her panties with the bullet and pop it into her pussy. The bullet started to hum and I could see her fingers moving up and down under her panties which turned me on to no end, but I wanted to see more. I asked Diane if she was going to let me see, and her response was simply to sweep her panties down exposing her cleanly shaven pussy to me, the bullet firmly buried inside of her, then her fingers went back to grinding on her clit. By this point my head was reeling. Here I was sitting next to my daughter, completely naked, dildo buried in my ass and stroking my cock while she laid just inches away from me openly bringing herself to orgasm for my viewing pleasure. My eyes were locked on Diane's beautifully thick thighs and her perfect slit being spread by her tiny fingers working their way across her pussy and this urge came over me to move her fingers aside and bury my face there instead. I looked at Diane and said to her I understand if her answer is no, but could I please eat her pussy? Diane stammered a little before being able to get it out that she didn't think we should go there. I was disappointed in her answer but respected her decision so I sat back on my chair and enjoyed the show she was giving me. Before long the sight of her beautiful body, the look of ecstasy on her face, and the whimpers and moans of her getting off pushed me over the edge and I exploded all over myself in the hardest, most satisfying orgasm I've had in months. I sat on the chair for a few moments recovering from the orgasm Diane had just helped me with, the entire time my eyes locked on the show she was giving. I eventually dislodged the dildo from my ass and went to the bathroom to clean off. I came out of the bathroom expecting Diane to be finished but it turned out she was just getting started. When I walked out to see her still fucking herself and moaning even louder than she was before my cock instantly sprung back to life. I moved the chair aside and stood at Diane's feet, looking down on her as she continued to pleasure herself. I was mesmerized by her, the most beautiful creature I know, in the throes of passion, allowing her own father to stand and watch, stroking his cock to the vision in front of him. With the three orgasms I'd given myself the day before (I was so horny I rubbed a third one out in the shower thinking about seeing her modeling her lingerie) and the mind blowing rocket I'd just shot off I figured I wasn't going to get another one out anytime soon, but my cock was still at attention and ready to rock. I'm not sure how long I stood there stroking my cock to the sight of her masturbating, I'm thinking it was at least a good 10-15 minutes until she finally had her own mind blowing orgasm that ended the show. As she laid there at my feet winding down I kneeled down next to her and wrapped my arms around her. With my mouth next to her ear I said to her “Thank you. You may not know it but you just fulfilled one of my fantasies. I've always wanted to watch you bring yourself off like that and now that I have I can say the reality of it far exceeded what I ever imagined it would be like.” My words to her were spoken with 100% sincerity. I went on to tell her if she ever needs to scratch her itch like that again she doesn't need to ask if I'm ok with it, she only needs to go to it. We talked later and she knows if she ever does again I'll be pulling up a seat and enjoying the show just as I did this time. You've probably figured out by now that Diane and I have our moments where we stop being father and daughter and become best friends. We had one of those moments on the drive to the sex shop. While we were stopped at a light she pulled up a picture of Jack – nude – and when I saw what he's packing I was very forward about letting her know as long as she was ok with it if he ever wants to experiment I'm very willing to give him a spin. She actually told me she would be perfectly fine with me and Jack playing with each other if he were ever interested in trying another guy. I ain't gonna lie, hearing Diane say that instantly put visions into my head of Jack drilling my ass while I bury my face in Diane's pussy. She later told me something I'd never realized about her before. She's known about my bisexuality for years and I knew she was cool with it, but what I didn't know is she actually thinks guys sucking cock is hot. That changed my fantasies to me going down on Jack while she sits next to us getting herself off to our show. Funny thing is I've told her in the past if she ever wanted to see a guy on guy show I'd have no problem letting her watch me get my freak on if we found a guy who would be willing to put on a show for her. Truth is I highly doubt anything like that will ever happen with Jack, but my God, the fantasies that girl has put into my head with the conversations we've had... Diane said to me when she showed me the picture of Jack that she doesn't really have any girlfriends to talk about this kind of stuff with. I reminded her she's always had me, and if she needs me to play the role of “girlfriend” then I'll gladly do that for her with honor. I didn't tell her this but it actually kind of excites me thinking about being one of the girls with her. We've always kind of played those roles with each other anyway. I've been the girlfriend she's talked about getting cock with. She's thought nothing of sending me pics of some of her gay friends and asking me “How would you like to play with that?” She's also been “one of the guys” with me. It's nothing for her to see a little hottie, nudge me and whisper “Damn I'd love to eat that, what do you think?” I've always loved watching her face when she sees another woman she's getting wet thinking about getting her lez on with. That's just the way we've always been with each other and that's something I hope never changes. I've been turned on by incest for years. Brother/sister, mother/son, father/daughter, pretty much any permutation has had my interest. I've looked at Tumblr blogs about incestual relations, watched the videos here on Motherless, and I've always viewed it strictly as a sexual thing. Diane proved me wrong about that. When our romantic relationship started I quickly realized that although it had a sexual aspect to it, it was far from being strictly sexual. There was this bond I felt with Diane that I've never felt with anybody else. Yes, she was my daughter, but I think being my daughter was the very thing that made me love her all that much more. Looking at her as my mate as well as my daughter just seemed like the most natural thing in the world. From the moment I first kissed her lips as a lover she had me wrapped around her little finger like nobody else ever has. She filled all the empty places in my heart and that scared me because I knew it was a relationship that nobody else could ever understand no matter how badly I wanted to scream to the world just how wonderful and special she was to me. No, this whole father/daughter thing is far more than just a sexual fetish and I now know from first hand experience. I used to call Diane “Babydoll” when she was 18. I haven't called her by that name since we went back to our father/daughter relationship. If I'm being honest I'd say it's because I'm not sure how she'd react to hearing that name from me in our present relationship, but truth is she will always be my Babydoll even if it's only in a small place in my heart. I have my tagline here set as “Father figure ISO his princess.” Diane is the reason I changed it to that. Even if I never call her by that name again, Diane will always be my one and only Babydoll. Diane will always be daddy's little princess. Thing is, our moment of being a couple woke up a desire in me that I never realized was there before. Diane made me realize how badly I want a daughter who can be more than just a daughter to me. A daughter who could also be my lover the way Diane was for those few short minutes in time. Don't mistake what I'm saying, I know there's absolutely nobody who can ever replace or replicate what I had with Diane during that period of time and I don't want to replace her or replicate it. What I do want is an amazing young lady I can build something new with. Something that's ours. But also know that no matter what happens, no matter who may cross my path and possibly fill that role, Diane will always be a part of my life and anybody who can't accept that she is part of the package can save our time and move along. Over the past few days Diane has given me yet another memory that I'll always carry with me and cherish. I can't explain what it means to me that we are so comfortable and open with each other that the events of the past few days could have ever happened. I feel honored that Diane would willingly choose to share this kind of experience with me. I walked away from our mutual masturbation session feeling like we had just shared something very special with each other. I felt like we had bonded in those minutes we were pleasuring ourselves. I can't say if Diane feels the same way or not but deep down I hope she does. Will it ever happen again? I'd like to think yeah, we'll have more of those moments but the truth is there's really no way of knowing until when and if it happens again. I know as long as Diane remains ok with it, I plan on continuing with my routine at least every now and again as long as Jack is away at work. She understands how frustrating it is to need that release and not being able to get it. She has a standing invitation to watch or join if she so desires. If you've made it this far into my story I think it's pretty clear that Diane is not just my daughter but something far more than that to me. She's my daughter, my best friend, my confidant, and the one person I know I'd be lost without in my life. My relationship with her has been filled with one surprise after another and every time I think I've got it figured out something new happens. If I were to give my honest opinion I'd have to say the reason our masturbation sessions happened is because Diane knows she can trust me unconditionally. I've never hidden my fantasies or desires from her, including the fantasies and desires I have about her. She also knows that no matter what I will NEVER touch her in any way she has not given me permission to touch her in. She also knows that she is completely free to say “no” to me at any point in time and I will always respect that with no resentment. Diane is the one person in my life I will always love unconditionally. We had a short talk after our playtime and I was very clear with her how I feel about things. Where Diane is concerned I have no limits. My answer to her will always be “yes”. I will go as far as she will allow me to go, but if she sets a line to stop at I will not cross it. I love her and respect her too much to do that to her. She knows this and she trusts me in that way. Diane knows how much it would tear me apart if I ever lost her from my life and that's how she knows I would never deliberately do anything to damage the trust and the love we have for each other. So I went to work that night with all of this spinning around in my head. All I could think about all night was watching Diane laying at my feet. All I could see was her fingers grinding on her clit and the look on her face. It has seriously haunted me (in a good way) since it happened. And it all brought me to one conclusion. I must be pretty fucking special to Diane for her to share all of this with me. Beyond that, I know I'm one hell of a lucky guy to have the best fucking daughter any man could ever hope to have. There are no words that could ever describe how much I love Diane or how much it means to me that I have her in my life. I know people are skeptical about the stories they read here on Motherless, and I understand why. Hell, I've read my share of stories here that I've called bullshit on. Rest assured, the story I've told here is 100% true aside from the names being changed to protect the guilty. As I sat here typing this I wasn't sure if it would be posted or not. I had no intention of putting this out here without Diane's approval. She's read it and gave her ok for it to be shared. After I originally posted our story she asked me if we'd gotten any feedback but I had to tell her no because the original post had disappeared. Diane has seen my Motherless account in the past and she's the one person in my real, offline life I would ever let see my account here. Hell, I've actually shared a few videos from here with her and was just sitting here looking at a couple pages on the site with her a couple days ago. I talked to her about creating her own account on Motherless but she decided she'd rather not because she doesn't want anything else to hide from Jack. Even without an account she knows she always has access to Motherless through me though so who knows, it may be her peeping around here on my account one of these days. So that's my story. I'm glad Diane was ok with me sharing it with all of you. She knows if she had said no I would never have posted this. The most important thing to me though is Diane knows how important a part of my life she is and that I hope she never leaves.
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