• ajs13721 17 Dec 2013
    So my wife and sister-in-law from time to time like to go out with the girls. I'm pretty much content to have a few drinks and play a couple games at home while they and the go out and have their fun. Usually my sister-in-law will bring my niece by for me to watch. She's pretty happy to join in my video games and has gotten quite good!
    We play together and talk about school and what-not. I suppose as she's gotten older I've started to notice from time to time. Her long blonde hair flowing over her shoulders. Her cute little bottom in her somewhat short-shorts. Her cute blossoming buds under a skin tight T. I try not to stare. We are playing video games. This is serious business! :-)
    Tonight she decides we are gonna do a little team multi-player on a pretty popular fps. We are on fire! Just rolling people!! She keeps looking at me and throwing up a high-five...she's just giddy. As a sign of team spirit, she hops up and sits in my lap. No biggy...we are really in our groove here and racking up the kills. I momentarily take my attention away from the game to notice...she's kinda straddling me. She's more or less up on her knees, legs spread apart across my lap as I kinda look around her at the TV. She's notices my inconvenience and leans forward a bit. My attention wains again as I notice her cute little bottom now pointing towards me. Her tiny pj shorts are riding up and giving ample few of her sweet little cheeks. Well, no need to get all excited...focus on the game is where my head needs to be.
    Just as I feel I've fully regained my gaming attention, she begins to rock...ever so slightly against my lap. I kinda watch as the muscles flex in her quads and cavs and her ass begins to slowly works it's way up my legs. Hey! Calm down big boy...it's a nervous twitch....she's just into the game. The major problem is that I'm no longer into the game...at all. I steadily begin to notice a growing issue between my own legs. Her rocking increases slightly as our game becomes more intense. She has nearly worked her tight little behind all the way up to my now throbbing cock. Her motion against my upper thighs is now driving me insane. I simply can't help but stare as her shorts ride further and further up the crack of her bottom. I'm pretty un-nerved at this point. I can't move her...I can't adjust for fear of disturbing her concentration...and I really, REALLY don't want her to stop!
    She finally slides up just far enough to be rocking rhythmically over my erect cock. The game gets pretty close and her rocking pace increases even more. Suddenly, mid game, she freezes...the rocking stops, sits straight up, and she takes a short quick breath. I'm absolutely terrified! She peeks over her shoulder and our eyes lock. I can't even start to speak. I know she has felt the excitement brewing in my pj's and there's nothing I can do at this point. She smirks...the cutest little evil smirk I've ever seen and turns back to the screen. Not a single word! I'm safe, I have survived!! We play another 2 or 3 games and the rocking begins again...ever so slowly. It's the same as before...she's a ways down my legs as she begins to inch her way up. This time I do not take my attention away from the game in the slightest. I sure as hell wasn't going to stop her, but I wasn't sure I should encourage her. She makes her way all the way up to my and continues to rock...then, she surprises me a bit. She leans all the way forward and places her elbows on my knees giving me full view of her tiny tight ass rocking against my once again throbbing cock. Her hips begin to flex hard against my waist. I begin to roll my hips ever so gently, working my cock against her. I realize now that she has leaned far enough to have her pussy resting on my cock. I can feel the warmth coming off of her as she continues to rock her body against mine. I slide my cock a little faster against the warmth resting under her cotton shorts. I hear her breathing increase a little as her rhythm becomes faster.
    In an instant we hear the garage door begin to open. My niece sits up slowly and in no hurry and quietly takes a sit beside me. Her and my wife step in full of laughter and many drinks and ask us about our evening. "Good, we kicked butt!" my niece exclaims. Her mom rolls her eyes and gathers her things to go.
    Just as she heads out, my niece peeks back, "Let's play again soon, Uncle?"...and throws me that cute smirk once again. I smiled back and retort "Anytime sweety."
    Late in the week, my wife informs me that we will be making a trek to the local amusement park on Sunday with the family. Cool, cool...I love rides and it's good that it's finally warm enough out to enjoy it. It's me, my wife, my sister-in-law, my niece, and my niece's best friend. My thoughts drift to my lovely niece as we head over to the park. The events that have transpired so far have been amazing. I figured getting lost in my thoughts was the best to expect for the day based on the make-up.
    We get to the park and meet up with everyone. My niece is dressed in her normal tweens dress...tight cotton t-shirt, tiny little shorts, and sandals. Her lovely blonde locks flowing over her shoulders. She sprints towards me and jumps into my arms for a hug, "hiya Unc!" A light kiss on the cheek and then she hops down to make the introductions. "Uncle, this is my best friend in the whole world!" I turn and introduce myself to the lady. She is truly a cutie. She is slightly more developed than my niece, with lovely mid-length auburn hair. She is sporting a much more revealing spaghetti strap yellow top and short jean-shorts with a slit up the side for just a bit more of her smooth legs.
    We make our way through the park, hitting the occasional ride. Finally, we come to a massive wooden roller coaster that towers above the ground. I can see my niece and her friend trying to muster the courage to get on, but as they finally gather the courage they discover they are not quite tall enough to ride alone. My niece looks to her who quickly shakes her head "No way! Ask your uncle! Me and yer aunt will hit the food vendors.", she says. My niece looks towards me with the big baby blues and I pretty much have no choice but to hop on. I end up between them in one sit, which isn't a bad place to be at all. The roller coaster chugs out of the start and heads up the first steep incline. As we near the top, I notice my niece getting more and more nervous. I take her tiny hand in mine and she pulls it to rest on her tan little leg. As we reach the pinnacle, she slides it ever so close to her inner thigh and lays her hand on top applying slight pressure...I'm sure it's just nerves at this point buuuut I don't mind a bit! We careen down the first hill, both screaming loudly and having a blast. Round and down and over we go. Slowly we begin to creep up the second incline. Well...this isn't so bad. Suddenly I feel my other hand being grasp by my niece's friend. She places it without hesitation in the same spot as my niece had...mirroring the effect. The two girls look across at each other and grin the most suspicious grins...a light giggle escaping them both. WOoosh! Down we go again, this one with twice as many twists and turns as the other. Both girls squeezing my hands tighter and higher on the inner thighs...giving my hands the slightest touch of the warmth at their midsections. The ride finally ends and I'm mildly disappointed at the end of our little moment together.
    We all do a few more rides and hit the water rides in the afternoon heat. Finally, we've all had enough and head for the exit. My wife quietly asks me if she and my sis-in-law can head over in her car to do some shopping and get a mani/pedi and if I would mind watching the two girls for a bit. Hey! Sure, no prob!! I let the girls know the situation and that they'll be riding with me. They seem rather ecstatic and sprint for my SUV. We head out of the theme park with the usual chatter about the days adventures. The girls sit beside me in the front sit...plenty of room in this monster. My niece starts to fidget in her wet t-shirt and I can see it's cold and uncomfortable. I remark that maybe she'd be more comfy with the t-shirt off as long as she has a bra on underneath. My niece begins to giggle uncontrollably. I start to get a little nervous at the nature of her laughter. I don't really want her friend to get the wrong idea. She leans in close and whispers, "She knows Uncle." I turn quickly with a stunned expression. "She's my best friend...I tell her everything! She doesn't care!", she states proudly. I sigh and shrug. "Ok" I stammer. My niece whips her top off w/o another thought. Her friend scoffs and proclaims, "then mines coming off too...these things are just icky now!" Off comes her top as well.
    I peek over hesitantly. My niece with her budding breasts through her tiny white training bra. Her friend in a full A-cup yellow lacy bra..with the slightest noticeable hard nipples perking through. My twitches at this lovely sight. The girls seemed much more content with these wet rags off. The conversation became a two party discussion, which I was not apart of. The girls whispered intently about something they seemed quite adamant about. The occasional giggle springs from one or the other as my curiosity grew. "What are you two gossiping about?" I finally inquired. Huge laughter from both as their faces turned slightly red. My curiosity and my throbbing cock only grew more as we got to my house.
    Both girls sprinted in and plopped down on the couch. I headed in and made us all some sodas. I throw off my own wet shirt finally, throw everyone's shirts in the dryer, and sprawl out on the adjacent couch to watch TV. The girls chatter loudly about everything under the sun. At some point, I noticed a sudden hush come over the room. Not a peep from either girl. I peek back and they are both staring at me from the other couch...not saying a word. As they notice me staring, the giggles erupt again. I can only smile and look at them both curiously, "What is it?" My niece's friend gives her a little nudge as if to egg her on. She begins to stammer and finally gets out "My friend...wants...to see it." I bolt passes through me as now I'm the one giggling. "Oh she does, does she?" I slide out slyly. Nods and a round of giggles from both girls. "I've seen ones before" her friend states proudly. "Have you?" I say. "Well...I've done stuff with guys my age, but...yer...bigger. I was just curious" Now I begin to giggle uncontrollably. I stand as nonchalantly as possible and position myself in front of both girls. Slowly I lower my shorts and undies as my cock pops proudly out the top...already erect at the thought of these two nubile beauties staring at my manhood. A slight gasp from my niece's friend as she states, "Do...they all get that big when you get older?" I laugh again and I'm at a loss for words at this point. I begin to bring my shorts back up, when her friend stops me, "No, no! Not yet...w...we...want to touch it" Another huge round of giggles from all of us. I shake my head and shrug as I begin to lower my shorts again. I gingerly move towards them both to get into arms reach....my niece's blue eyes and her friend's green eyes locked on my throbbing cock. They bring their hands up simultaneously...as if it was a dare and both bring two fingers to rest on the head of my cock. I can feel it begin to pulse with the sensation of these tiny hands on it's tip. "You...you can do other stuff with it too" her friend begins to explain to my niece. "You can grab it here." Both girls transition their grasp to my shaft...almost staring at it inquisitively now. "And you just move your hand up and down while hanging on" her friend continued. My heart raced as these tiny creatures began to lightly and erratically jerk me off. Eventually their rhythm equalized and they began an amazing two hand stroke of my rock hard cock. My breathing began to increase and my niece proclaimed, "He really likes this! That's how I sound when he rubs me and puts his mouth down there!!" Her friend nods begrudgingly, "Yes...I've put my mouth down on boys, but they won't do it to me." I promptly offer my services and both girls seem to bounce off the couch...shorts and panties flying through the air.
    Could this really be?? A threesome with two nubile princesses?!? I check my watch and decide I have plenty of time for this to play out. They are seated side by side with legs up on the couch, beckoning me towards their tiny holes. I admire both girls crotches...my nieces still smooth pink slit...her friend with just the beginnings of pubic hair. Both girls smelling slightly of sweet sweat. "Me first!" her friend states loudly. I kiss her tiny pussy softly, gently rubbing my nieces pussy so as to give both girls attention. My mouth finding the ever-so tiny button on her friend and my hand rubbing my nieces button. The mood grows serious as both girls revel in this new-found excitement. I briskly alternate between girls attempting to keep both sweet creases as wet as possible. My mouth working feverishly. The taste was indescribable...almost undetectable in it's purity. My niece is the first to reach her orgasm as she again gropes madly at the back of my head...her legs shaking as a soft and tender "yesssssss" escaped her lips. I pull back and gently kiss her tiny slit once more before switching back to her waiting friend. I dive in deep, licking lustfully into the petite red-heads tender hole...my tongue surfacing occasionally to probe her tiny clit. Her small milky-white legs wrap around my shoulders and head as she hurdles towards her climax....a yelping cry of passion escaping her as her hips begin to thrust against my face. I pull away and finish her with a small kiss on the slit as well.
    As they both catch their breath her friend announces, "Now, we gotta do him." Confusion crosses my nieces face, "I don't kn...I don't know how...never." Her friend shakes her off quickly, "I'll show you...do what I do. When it comes time for the stuff to come out, I'll swallow it. You'll freak out and stuff...I know you." My niece glares defiantly, "I will not freak out! Just tell me when the stuffs comes out and IIII will do it!!" Her friend shrugs and giggles, "Ok...your uncle will tell you." I'm pretty much in Lala-land at this point. I can only comply and ride this metaphorical roller coaster. Her friend brings my cock to her mouth, quickly diagnosing what it will take to get my cock head in her tiny mouth. She slides her tender lips over the head and gets roughly 2 to 3 inches in her mouth. She is surprising adept at moving her lips over my cock. I watch as my cock head slowly appears and disappears beneath these tiny soft lips. After a few strokes she gives the "you got it?" look to my wide-eyed niece who begins to hesitantly take her turn. "Just let it sliiide in and out of your mouth...like a popsicle", her friend instructs. My niece's tiny hand clasps my shaft softly as her mouth gently slides over the head. Her first few passes are more of a kiss on my throbbing cock head, which suited me just fine. She eventually gets the hang of the maneuver and makes several incredible passes in and out of her tiny mouth. What begins next can only be described as a ballet of both girls taking turns, five or six passes at a time, over my cock.
    After mere minutes, I can tell I'm not going to last much longer. I try to think of the best thing to say, but can only muster "I...I'm close girls..." Both girls balk for a moment...her friend acts quickly, "Ok...if yer gonna swallow the stuff, keep going on his thing and don't stop...it's gonna shoot in your mouth, so just swallow it. Well, I can do it!" My niece doesn't even respond to her and takes my cock in her mouth once again, working with purpose at this point. I can feel myself about to utterly explode and place my hand against the back of her head. My dick erupts under the thrill of the day's events and I feel my niece between to gulp...hoping this isn't too much for her. I peek down as load after load fires from the end of my cock and she seems determined to take them all. I spew a final shot down her tiny throat and place my hand under her chin to slide her away. "See! I did it!" she proudly proclaims to her friend. Giggles from both as we all stood and got dressed.
    Fortunately, I had tossed all of our wet shirts in the dryer beforehand, so we didn't have to sit there in wet t's. We huddle together on one couch content in all that had gone on. Then, we hear a familiar honk from the front. My nieces rolls her eyes, "She's playing our song!" as they both hop up. A final tender kiss from both girls on the lips as they head for the door...my niece making her typical turn back, "Just me and you next time!" A simple grin and wink from me as she vanishes out the door.

    Saturday morning and it appears I'm going to have to work. I slide in and take care of things in a few hours, but having to work on the weekend really drains me. I get home around noon and head straight for the tub and a beer. We have a large garden-style tub with the jet sprayers and it was absolutely what I needed. I head in and just close my eyes for awhile, sipping on my beer. My wife pokes her head in and says my sister-in-law and niece are coming by, but not to worry about getting out. They were all heading right back out to the mall. A slight wave of disappointment comes over me. Eh, those are the breaks I guess. Can't always get me way.
    I hear my niece and sis-in-law clammer in and discuss which car to take. The discussion seems to take longer than expected and my wife sticks her head in again. "Your niece doesn't wanna shop with us and was wondering if she could stay and watch a movie while we're out?" my wife inquires. "Sure, no prob." I state as calmly as possible. My twitches ever so slightly as the thought of more alone time with my not-so-innocent little niece comes over me. I lay back and listen as the garage door shuts. I begin to formulate a plan. Well, I guess I could get out and maybe make it obvious that I'm in no hurry to get dressed. I could just leave a towel on. Decisions, decisions...as I finally begin to cultivate the perfect scheme, the bathroom door slowly opens and a little blonde head pokes in.
    "Mind if I come in and talk while you take a bath? My movie isn't as good as I thought and I'm kinda bored." she states. My heart rate elevates quickly and my cock begins to uncontrollably grow as if I was an adolescent boy again. "Sure!" I say happily and toss her a smile. I small grin crosses her face as she wanders over to sit on top of the toilet sit. Her cheeks are slightly flushed and she keeps her head down the whole trip over. I try to put her at ease and strike up general conversation about school and music. I can see she's becoming more comfortable again as she starts to occasionally peek inside the tub. The water is fairly clear and there's no doubt that she is getting her first look at my erect manhood. Her glances grow steadily longer and she finally asks, "Is...is it always hard like that?" I grin and tell her nah, only when I'm excited in "that way". She giggles and her face grows flush again, "Are you excited...cuz I'm in here." I tell her absolutely. "You definitely are a hottie and I'm really attracted to you." I say. Her face grows beat red and she begins to look down again.
    I figure it's time to lighten things up and begin chatting about games and if she's tried any new ones. She chatters on and grows cozy with our sexually charge environment once more. I casually state that I seriously need some more hot water and lean forward to turn it on. She tells me that she'll do it, but just to tell her if the water is too hot or cold. She leans across the tub and looks towards me for water temp approval...only she's not really looking at my face at all. She can't take her eyes off my cock, which again begins to grow as I notice her stary-eyed gaze. Suddenly she asks with a bit of sass in her voice, "So I guess no shower for me today...you've used alllll the hot water." Without hesitation I say "Well, this waters still plenty warm...hop in." I...I can't believe what I've just said. I really could be pushing my luck at this point. With a look of defiance she stands, shrugs, and begins taking off her shoes. Next her little white tank top slides off over her head. She's wearing an adorable little blue training bra underneath. Her shorts slide off and I get a look at the matching blue panties. My head gets a little light as I cannot believe what I'm seeing! She turns away and pops off the training bra. "Close your eyes until I get in Uncle...I'm still kinda shy and stuff." Anything you want sweety! I close my eyes with out question and bring a hand up for good measure over my face. After a moment, I feel her step into the water between my legs and sit across from me. "Ok, you can open them now!" she says with another nervous giggle.
    My beautiful niece is now sitting across from me in the bath. Both our legs are out in front of us respectively and we both have our knees slightly bent and up out of the water. Her legs are on the inside of mine leaning against my legs. I grin and tell her, "You truly have a beautiful body, little one." She grins and giggles muttering an awkward thanks. We sit in silence for what seems like an eternity and then she squeaks out one question, "Can...could I have...a kiss?" I figure it is time for me to take charge of the situation and gently as possible. I slide close enough to her to reach down and cup her hips with my hands and bring her tiny body onto my lap, her legs now sticking out behind me. As her sweet little slit comes to rest against my throbbing cock, I hear her release a deep and nervous breath. I grab her face sofly in both hands and bring her lips to mine. I kiss her tiny lips long and deep, running my tongue around hers with utter passion.
    I'm truly lost in the moment and decide to lift her small body onto the edge of the tub. Her breathing is fast and I can sense the confusion in her over this new experience. I spread her legs slowly and run my tongue up her hairless little slit. Her taste is indescribable. Mildly sweet and perfectly warm. I lick deep into her small pussy and I hear the first moan of the evening escape her. I find her button-like clitoris and begin to suck softly. Her hands grope the back of my head uncontrollable as the excitement begins to swell in myniece. Her hips begin to automatically thrust against my face as her adolescent loins begged for release. "Oh god, OH GOD, OH GOD...o.." Her head spastically twitches back and her back arches. I grip her lower back tightly just to keep her from doing a backflip out of the tub.
    I can feel now that she is completely caught up in the moment. I lower her back across my lap in the tub...her swollen pussy lips resting against my pulsing cock once again. I bring one hand behind her back and begin to push...grinding the lips of her sweet pussy against my cock. As she begins to feel me rubbing against her clit, she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly...resting her head on my shoulder. I have NO idea what my cock would do to this virgin womb and I'm not sure I'm even ready to find out. Within 5 minutes I can feel her arms squeezing tightly around my neck as ecstasy courses through her petite frame once again. I feel myself get close as my breathing grows louder. For the first time, she begins to notice my excitement. "Are you going to...going to?" she stutters. I nod my head vigorously as my eyes close. "I...want to watch it come out." she whispers to me. No time to ponder anything at this point. I slide her hips back off me and down to the tub bottom, and bring my cock to the surfacing gripping it tightly in one hand. In a matter of seconds a volcano of creamy erupts from my dick as a moan of pure release escapes my lips. I open my eyes to observe her reaction and she has this amazing look of excitement. I'm caught off guard and utterly thrilled that she doesn't seem even slightly grossed out. She is completely turned on by this act. As my orgasm comes to a close, I decide to go for broke. In one motion I grab her leg, pulling her tiny budding chest directly against my cock. I pump the last two small streams onto her small nipples. She makes no move to stop me and is in no hurry to move my cock away from her. I take a final opportunity to softly rub the head of my cock against her cum-dripped buds. I circle her tender areola over and over, watching as her nipples grew hard against this new sensation.
    She looks up at me with a mix of joy and delirium. Without a word I dip her all the way back in the water, washing away the cum on her chest. She sits quietly and at peace as I wash both of our bodies before we get out. We dry off and dress, then head to couch. She sits under my arm on the couch nearly purring with euphoria as we snuggle until her and my wife return. Her mom honks from the garage before my wife even comes in. Disgruntled, my niece rolls her eyes and hops up for the door. Before she leaves the room, she takes a quick glance at the door and peeks back with one word, "More?..." she almost pleads. I smile and laugh uncontrollable with an emphatic nod.

    I awaken on a Friday for a nice relaxing day off. It's rare, but it happens. My wife had to go in today, so I decided to be a completely lazy sloth and just veg out. I'm just chilling commando-style in the living room with a light pair of sleeping shorts and a t-shirt on, when the doorbell rings. My sister-in-law hurries in with my niece in tow. Sis-in-law apologies profusely before even requesting anything and tells me how she was unaware today was a holiday for public schools. She then begs me to keep an eye on my niece for a few hours. My heart leaps a bit as a blurt out "no prob!" She thanks me and says she will only be gone half a day, then heads out as quickly as she came in.
    My niece is in her typical cutesy outfit consisting of skin-tight t-shirt (just enough to show off those budding blossoms) and shorty-shorts accentuating her ever-growing long, smooth legs. Her silk blonde hair is pulled back in a pony-tail and she looked a little tired from a hectic morning. She plops down rather lethargically and I tell her that this is gonna be a veg day at unc's house! Any junk food she wants, anything she wants to do! She brightens up a bit and says "OREOS AND GAMES!" Hey, a girl after my own heart. She asks if she can take a quick shower and I say no prob. Apparently her had hurried her out so quickly, she hadn't had an opportunity to take one this morning. I told her where the towels were and sent her on her way.
    I got bored myself and flipped on a video game. I hear the water go off and after a minute she comes wandering out. As she prances by in front of the TV, I take note of something slightly different than before. Tight little t-shirt...check, long smooth legs...check, shorty-shorts....hmm...shorty-shorts?...no...shorts. Is she really in her panties? I don't flinch and continue on with my game as she exclaims, "It's Veg Day! T-shirts and undies!!" I giggle as calmly as I can as my loins begin to stir uncontrollably. She grabs a remote and without missing a beat, jumps across my lap without a care. The biggest difference between my undies and her undies would be **a shitty pair of shorts vs. a tight pair of boy-short cut white cotton panties with the words "Sweet Thing" across the ass in pink lettering**. Yeah...not really on equal ground here!
    We play a few games and she's just sitting in my lap. I begin to write the whole thing off as a fluke. She's and her thoughts and interests have probably already moved onto the cute little boy sitting in front of her in class. Just as I resign myself to this thought, the rocking begins. Apparently she remembered what felt the best to her and moves rather quickly into position over my cock, as she leans all the way forward on her elbows. Her cotton-clad pussy meets my thinly veiled without hesitation. The feeling is absolutely amazing as she rides her tiny slit over my now throbbing manhood. There is no doubt what is going on here and I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I don't want to move to fast, but I feel some sort of move is warranted. I remember I'm holding my game controller in my hands and like a bolt of lightning it hits me. I'm holding a VIBRATING controller in my hands! Just pump out a few automatic weapons shots and this thing shakes like crazy!! As we continue to play, I slide the controller just over my cock and just in range of her pussy. Then I start to burst fire as rhythmically as I can. Her back arches up and her controller falls to the floor. She thrusts against the controller with each pulse of vibration. My niece begins to moan softly for the first time as her tiny pussy grows wetter. Her rocking has forced my fully erect cock out the top of my shorts and I begin to watch it crease between her ass and moist slit though her panties with each forceful flex of her tiny hips. She moans louder and I know she's close. I hold the fire button down and bury a whole clip in one press. She hunches forward and cries out softly as her tiny shoulders tremble with euphoria. She gathers herself and scoops up her controller to finish our round of play without a word...still breathing heavily and half bewildered. When our game finishes, she leans all the way back against my chest. "That...that was really cool..." she utters almost sleepily. "My..my panties...are kinda wet though. Is that normal?" she says sheepishly. I tell her absolutely and that this is what happens when it feels super good down there. She giggles and says, "well, it did!" I giggle back and rub her belly through her t-shirt. She says the panties are sort of uncomfortable now and I tell her that I've got a load of laundry in the washer and she's more than welcome to wash/dry them before her mom got back.
    She hops up and I hear her clunking around in the laundry room and then the washer starts. She struts back in and I know without a glance what my ever-bold niece has done. She sits back down across my lap, leaning into my chest with nothing on but a t-shirt. Her sweet bare pussy resting against my remaining semi-chub in my shorts. This routine we are playing with one another is mind-blowing. While the video game is on, we play our own games together...but we play it cool. Hey! I'm good with that!! She straddles my lap as usual and I let my hands with the controller rest at her waist. I don't take my eyes off the game but I begin to let my fingers wander around her smooth little pussy lips. My cock is once again throbbing out of control (this is something I'm definitely gonna need to take care of later!). I use two fingers to push buttons and two fingers to explore her body. Talk about multi-tasking. In no time her pussy is moist against my fingers as I push slowly into her tight hole. I have no clue if she still has her hymen She's simply not even attempting to play at this point, as she leans against my chest and closes her eyes. I hear her breathing increase again and feel her hips begin to thrust erratically against my fingers. She puts one arm up around my neck and kisses me softly on the neck as she whispers "Please...don't stop...pretty please uncle." No plans to stop at this point, that's for sure!
    I hear her soft moans increase and feel her grip tighten around my neck as she reaches orgasm again, her tiny body shuddering against my chest. Her eyes open and I feel her lips against my cheek. I turn my head and lock eyes with her. We close our eyes slowly and our lips meet...so soft, with just a hint of cherry lip gloss sweetness. I part her tiny mouth with my tongue and kiss her long and deep. Such a tiny tongue! Our lips part and I see the subtle look of satisfaction on her face as she giggles to herself. "Yer pretty awesome, Unc-" she says. I can only smile and wink at this point. "But, why don't you get all super excited and wet like I do?" she asks. I tell her that what she is talking about is called an orgasm and that I do have them like her. I explain that for boys it's different and that the wet stuff eventually shoots out the end of my penis. She crinkles up her nose and asks, "well, why hasn't that happened?" I ponder and mutter "Well, I've kinda be holding it back I guess. I didn't want to scare you...I guess..." She shakes her head with an odd expression and says, "Oh, you don't scare me Unc-, I promise!" I can only throw my head back and laugh hard at her statement.
    I take a look at the time and remember her mom will be back in about 30 minutes. I remind my niece and she hops up and throws her panties in the dryer quickly. We both tidy ourselves and she grabs her shorts and fairly dry undies and puts them on. Just as we've both gotten ourselves together, we hear her mom's horn out front. "Boy, she must be in a hurry today" my niece scoffs. As she heads out the door, she turns just long enough to say, "Member the last thing we talked about?"...I nod slowly..."Promise to show me that some time?" she says with that cute little smirk yet again. I nod adamantly this time with a massive grin across my face. She giggles and heads out with a little hop.
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