
The Knight of Shadows
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Everywhere and nowhere
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Sexuality: Straight
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Joined: Nov 20th, 2014
Last Seen: Dec 18th 2019
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I am the snarling hideous face of reality ready to pounce and maul the mask you are wearing to shreds. I refuse to play peoples games. If you cannot handle the brütal truth of reality, then you are not ready to rattle my cage.

I am nothing but a reactionary mirror. I reflect back everything you do not want to see, but only when you take the inititive and make it a point to stare at me. For your own sake if you fear what might reflect back of yourself, then find a nicer mirror and some kinder lighting.

Too many people in this modern world simply cannot exist without actively trying to confuse what they want to believe with the truth. The problem is not those people. The problem is a culture that protects those people from the consequences of truth and enables their delusions to go on unchecked. Much like an open wound left unattended, it becomes the point of escalating illness and creeping death when ignored.

So understand while what I might say may well be painful, do not misconstrue the purpose. It is not to harm you or anyone. It is to heal that gaping gunshot wound that you would proceed to bleed all over our nice clean internet. (which consequently is why we simply cannot have nice things) Your reaction might be to lash out at the stings of those little barbs, but what that actually is, is my attempt of suturing that gaping wound back together and help bring you back to health.

That is the reality. Your best laid efforts will be laid to waste if you persist in drawing me in as you lack the intellect or will to step to me. You will be left amongst the rest of the digital ideological corpses littering the earth that fall in my wake. If you cannot come to terms with that, then abandon that urge that brought you here, turn around and go back to your safe space where no one will shine the light on your delusions. Just know that is the downside to your safe space. While it feels nice and protected when no one else can get in to harm you, It also means you are ever so alone.

So you enjoy that solitude until you are ready to cope with reality and join the rest of us in the real world. We want you to join us and be a part of everything. Just do not come trying to peddle bullshit as it simply will NOT be tolerated, Ever.

But other than that.. I am absolutely hillarious and a blast to be around ;)

xvvpx's achievements 2

1 year
5 years

xvvpx's Comments

11 Apr 2017 xvvpx commented
Every last woman should be this or better.
17 Oct 2016 xvvpx commented
This is horrid and unwatchable. Not much more than PG13 suffering awful audio and editing.

I have never said this before but this needs to be deleted. There is absolutely no reason why anyone anywhere ever should hit the play button on this.

Delete, start over.. Try again. Better luck next time.
04 Sep 2016 xvvpx commented

Oh out of the mouths of babes so ignorant that they do not even know what they do not know, unable to conceptualize the magnitude of their own ignorance.

Makes for some pure comedy gold.
24 Aug 2016 xvvpx commented
Kinda has a Jlaw face. Least from certain angles.
22 Aug 2016 xvvpx commented
@russ4bi Wow. Really? To each their own I guess but from my view those look incredibly deflated. Thats some serious droopage for a chick in her mid 20s to early 30s. I dated a girl that was deflated exactly like that. Not fun, At least by way of comparison to more full and perky tits.

I guess its only fair. Some tits are made that way, so it must mean they are made specifically for someone out there.

Nice to meet you.
24 Jul 2016 xvvpx commented
Puts me in the mind of Tatiana Maslany portraying the character of Helena from the BBC show Orphan Black.


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