
Done hiding, ready to explore
Gender Woman
Relationship Married and not looking
Location USA
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Favorite Porn: Girl on Girl
Joined: Jan 4th, 2013
Last Seen: Jun 5th 2023
Uploads: 1
Upload Views: 158
Profile Views: 18,652
Favorited: 0
Friend Count: 60
Subscribers: 19
Board Posts: 2
Board Points: -1
Hi, I'm Melissa. I'm 48, married, and a stay at home mom. I'm also a recovering Christian, fairly conservative, southern girl with the accent to prove it. I've been discovering bisexual feelings for a few years, but I am not open about it in real life. I'm not sure if I'm uncovering part of myself that was always there, or just going through some crazy mid-life phase, but here I am. If you can relate to me or want to have a conversation, hit me up.

marriedmickie's achievements 3

1 year
5 years
10 years


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