
Why not?
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location London/West Country
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Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Voyeur
Joined: Dec 5th, 2013
Last Seen: May 9th 2016
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If she is into sex I am into her. I will do what she likes and she will do everything I tell her. I love ladies that flash. I don't like aggressive bitches with big mouths and no brains. I like my women to be women. My girls to be girls. I have no problem with them fucking others, male or female as long as I can be there or get a blow by blow account afterwards if he is not into it. I am 100% straight and I am also a voyeur. I live in London.

I have twice in my life made love to a mother and daughter in the same bed. The first of these experiences was in the West Country. The other in Yorkshire. To watch a mother remove your cock from her daughter's pussy and suck her juices from it is a height of erotic pleasure every mother, daughter and man should seek to experience. I also had the joy as a young man to be wanked and sucked off by two sisters in the older sisters bedroom one memorable Saturday afternoon. The elder sister pointing my spurting cock at the younger sister's panty clad pussy and thighs. Though each let me finger them, I never did fuck them, and that is my only regret.

For me, sex is a wonderful, beautiful, exciting, gift that males and females should be left to freely indulge in whenever they wish. I care not about their blood relationships or age. If they know what they are doing and consent to doing it I think they should be left alone to have their fun.

Enjoy your body and the bodies of others. The possibilities are endless. Explore them.

loadedandlean's achievements 3

1 year
5 years
10 years

loadedandlean's Comments

20 Feb 2016 loadedandlean commented
The asshole guy who shot this loves the sound of his own voice but fair play to him for finding such a stunning girl. I just wish she would make a come back. I could marry a girl like this.
13 Feb 2016 loadedandlean commented
Great picture ruined by a stupid caption
18 May 2014 loadedandlean commented
This girl rocks my boat
23 Feb 2014 loadedandlean commented
dirty fucking female pedo bitch should be in jail
22 Feb 2014 loadedandlean commented
so sexy. Very, very beautiful
05 Jan 2014 loadedandlean commented
The son of a bitch did not even tip her


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