
Go Ahead She Isn't Looking!
Gender Woman
Relationship Single and looking
Location US
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Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Favorite Porn: Masturbation
Joined: Sep 21st, 2010
Last Seen: Oct 4th 2016
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Well alittle update yes im single doesn't actually mean Im looking but then again I might be. I own a 2 dogs . alittle more personal, what im into well I haven't had experience in pretty much nothing but what Im not into would be scat, pee and things along that line. I think I would try about almost everything else. I do not cam or call ppl that's not what im into but maybe eventually I might call someone. I would meet someone possible but that depends on the peron andhow long we've chatted. If theres anything else ya would like to know just ask if ya see me. thx for reading luv ya

lilly_pad's achievements 3

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