
couple looking for toy/slave
Gender Woman
Relationship Couple looking for single
Location prescott russell
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Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: Teen
Joined: Nov 10th, 2012
Last Seen: Sep 17th 2018
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hello I am writing this and hoping you are out there,I am a bi submissive,and female sex slave to my life partner.I stand 6 ft 53 yrs a , he is 5 ft 8 51 yrs old and dominate and we are hoping to find another younger and if we are lucky permanant girlfriend for him she has to be ex extremely open minded, kinky, very sexual and also bi and submissive.But there is a twist to this you must be only submissive with him my master,when it comes to me his sex slave, you and my master will both be dominate with me, to have me do what ever you want done to you both and do what ever you want to do to me (looking for younger petite because as much as i )am his older taller life partner and sex slave he loves petite younger and prefers his height and under )and i would love for my master to have a younger girlfriend who would love to join him in dominating me for their sexual pleasure and submitting to him for your and his pleasure we are serious about this

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