
Looking for some new friends
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Portland, Oregon 97201
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Masturbation
Joined: Apr 8th, 2013
Last Seen: Oct 10th 2022
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Friend Count: 39
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My mornings and afternoons are typically spent in front of a computer. If you're bored at work, alone after sending the kids of to school or just looking for a friend online then let's talk. I can be a little awkward and shy but I'm comfortable with with free-spirited people and quickly relax and open up. I'm very open-minded and enjoy talking about sex and sharing past experiences with the right person. I'm not looking for sex but would be open to some games, mutual masturbation, exhibitionism, and other fun and mutually agreed upon activities. I'm funny, educated, worked the same job forever and am financially secure.

My ideal person is someone who likes to watch and be watched. Enjoys massages and having her body explored. Has no trouble keeping the conversation going. Is discreet, funny, sexy and and happy. I have a vivid imagination and enjoy sharing it.

Email with any questions or thoughts. Looking forward to hearing from you!

jamesrockford's achievements 3

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