
Relax and sink down read follo
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location pa
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Joined: Apr 27th, 2012
Last Seen: Aug 19th 2018
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Been into hypnosis since very young, been doing trances for fun since teen and now, from time to time, I still put willing subjects under that wish to be trained to think right and obey.

Relax and read the words, focus and think them in your mind slow as your eyes go from left to right back and forth over the page sinking down and down with each new line you read. Think about the words getting into your mind. Heavy and relaxed as you read, seeing it in your minds eye. Breathing deep in and out down and down, calm, heavy, sleepy, open, your eyes open your mind focused, weak, ready, happy, sleepy. down 5 lines like steps in your mind deeper and deeper. In and out 6 down deeper and heavy, relaxed and happy stepping down in your mind stress left behind. In..... and out 7 controlled, so good to feel heavy and controlled, so right, you like to be controlled and to let go. In and out 8 deeper and deeper, easy following you mind cant stop almost down only 2 more steps to go. In..... and .... o ut 9 heavy, deep, calm, sleepy reading, following, open, happy, no need to think. only sink down, your mind is foggy and hot. 10 heavy and entranced, feeling go at the bottom now ready to follow my words and obey.

Very good now if you are female and enjoyed what you just read message, send me a simple bio and we can chat about going deeper and being trained to obey. I am into control dominance bdsm ect. You can be single or just want to learn better for your man or master. Helps if you know deep down that men can control you even if you try to fight the submission. Hope you have fun.

Now read and follow, and step back up remember the feeling you just had, step up wide awake. Feeling good and warm, good ideas filling you happy and wide awake.

Hope to hear from you

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