
surpressing my gag reflex
Gender Woman
Relationship Couple and not looking
Location Motherless dungeon
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Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Favorite Porn: Cum Shots
Joined: Aug 10th, 2016
Last Seen: Feb 9th 2017
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hi ppl,

I'm younger than most here (yea u guessed right born in 97) but i should say i only recently discovered that there is more to chatting about sexual stuff online than sending selfies or so (which is kind of boring on its own) and i kind of like the site so i signed up...

and as for what i like, well i'm not that experienced obviously but almost anything that sounds wrong and kinky turns me on xD ok thats a bit excessive but mostly.. i think i have a submissive attitude when it comes to sex but i've tried being dominant with men and it works really well too...

so talking about it my bf has got me pretty interested in his ideas of me being intimate sexually with other men (i guess u could call it cuckold fantasies he is pretty submissive) so i'm pretty much a wet mess nowadays and i'm back on the site

so thats most of it hit me up if u want to talk or something

cinnamon97's achievements 2

1 year
5 years

cinnamon97's Comments

13 Aug 2016 cinnamon97 commented
wow thats so hot, i need a 'daddy' like this too
13 Aug 2016 cinnamon97 commented
this is the closest i get to porn made for women xD wih there was more like this without all the 'sissy' remarks


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