
Where the weird is the norm.
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location U S of A
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Sexuality: Nothing Is Taboo
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Joined: Dec 23rd, 2013
Last Seen: Sep 18th 2015
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Society today has demonized sexuality with the idea that it's wrong to even imagine anything other than a man and a woman having vaginal intercourse. Surprisingly enough, even in this time period where someone can make even the most bland and unsavory topic sexual, society still deems it perverse and thus WRONG. To which I say... Fuck it! If your gay, your gay! If your strait, your strait! If you find weirdest and most unpleasant things arousing, why should you give a fuck what societies opinion is!

Taboo is just another way of saying they don't understand. Just another way of saying that they don't approve of that which is out of the ordinary.

So why care? You and I will only live for so long, why let people we don't even know dictate what we enjoy? Love what excites you and take nothing less.

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