
Chasing them 'round the house!
Gender Woman
Relationship Single and looking
Location Motherless dungeon
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Sexuality: Nothing Is Taboo
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Joined: May 13th, 2014
Last Seen: Jun 26th 2014
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Hey to whoever is reading this! I'm guess I should say that I'm 24yrs old, a single mum of 2, very bisexual, and I enjoy chatting with either women or men.

I was born and raised a naturist and I am 5th generation naturist. Also participated in a lot of beauty pageants from when I was a baby until I was in my mid teens. Won a few.

Grew up in sexually open way but it wasn't always enjoyable but I have no regrets about how I was raised either.

I think I'm very open about a lot of different things. I usually get along with everybody I meet and it's usually easy for me to become friends with people right away.

I'm not married and never been married. I just prefer touch and go relationships mostly, but I have had a couple longer term partners though.

So I'm not sure what else I should write here. lol If you have any questions then just hit me up for a conversation. I don't bite....... well not on the first date anyway. ;)

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