
I am here to talk to people.
Gender Woman
Relationship Married and not looking
Location Cuse, NY
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: BDSM
Joined: Mar 30th, 2013
Last Seen: Sep 21st 2017
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Friend Count: 80
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Board Posts: 21
Board Points: 36
I am not here to be some cum rag or jerk off fantasy. I am a real woman. I am here to talk to real people about real life. I am here to connect and talk with people. Just because we have the same interest doesn’t mean you should “get to know each other”. If I have an interest in someone it because I have some kind of experience. Were some people just have an interest as they just fantasy about it and get themselves off. If I am in a chat room it is to talk not to role-play or mess around. Treat me with respect and talk to me like I was a woman standing in front of you at a bar. This means don’t just ask me some random question right off the bat; introduce yourself (even with other women, this will be more beneficial to you.)

Also I am not here to just be a number on your friends list, and the same goes for my facebook. If you want to add me then make sure you have a profile and send me a message. I am here to talk to people.

MissyAmyMom's achievements 3

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