
This is gonna hurt...
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Spokane, Washington
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Tattoos
Joined: Nov 8th, 2014
Last Seen: Nov 29th 2014
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I'm 6" 180 lbs. White with green eyes and black hair. I have a lot of fuckin' tattoos: A Skull on the left side of my neck. An expansive piece on my back of a Spine running the length with stars and other symbols as filler (more Bones pretty much). A Broken Arrow on the back of my left hand and an eye in the palm. The word "BREATHE" is written on the inside of my left wrist tucked just below the hand. The main focal point of my left sleeve is a large EYE with a keyhole for a pupil and tendrils leeching off of a Human-Heart. Another large ^Skull^ with the word "OBEY" etched into its' teeth takes up the rear of my left forearm, from wrist to elbow. Directly above that is a Male(human)heaD with a lit fuse burning down to its' crown. This is all brought to a conformity with st*rs and Xs as fill. On my chest, over my heart, is a Bloody Hand-print. Running along my inner right forearm is a Dead Songbird, its wings wrapped to itself with bloody bandages, leaving the long plumage snaking the length of my arm. The last is a coin-sized black star dotting my right wrist.

Don't act like you didn't want to fucking read all that either

Fuck, I got a little carried away with the description last night. I must have been a lot higher than I thought. It's nothing if it's not accurate. But that's my thing too, I guess, There is nothing sexier than a beautiful woman with some ink. That and I happen to work in a (semi)local Tattoo shop. So I might be a little bias on the subject of tattoos.

My motivation here isn't, necessarily, to fuck. The fucked up people with their fucking skewed views, encouraged by anonymity, invent the most profane thoughts imaginable. I fucking Love it. I couldn't sign up fast enough. Weirdos, creeps and degenerates make for the best company.

The avatar up there is really me, well, me in a mask, but it's me. And That's my garage/pseudo studio. I've always been fascinated and attracted to the more macabre and the darker side of life. I made that mask myself, one of many, and I love to fuck while wearing too. A little bit of Fear and angst bolstered by a little unknown, just a hint of it, intensifies the eroticism. That and I'm a fucking freak. Not a Barnum & Bailey nickle sideshow freak, although I have a feeling they wouldn't feel out of place here, what I'm talking about is that mixture of crazy and sane. I pride myself on knowing just how far I can push before the plummet. Honestly though, I chose that picture because I like the composition and color. If you haven't noticed (which is close to impossible because red strains they eyes) I'm kind of working a color scheme.

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