
Fuckin' prized drag queen! >:P
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Ireland
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Role Playing
Joined: Sep 20th, 2011
Last Seen: Aug 14th 2017
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Well... Personality-wise I am a rather odd individual. My mood tends to fluctuate quite easily for some reason that I think my psychiatrist explained to me while I zoned out and drifted off to my own little world :P But apart from having an erratic mood I am quite a pleasant person ^^ (I like to think so at least.) I am rather quirky most of the time and I do have a sarcastic sense of humour so don't take me too seriously all the time >:3

When it comes to my interests they vary quite a bit in that I do have a wide taste in music, just not RnB, Hip Hop, Techno, Pop... bleh bleh... Okay so my music is rather specific but your's would be too if you were in a band xD Which brings me to my next point, I am a singer, guitarist and pianist. I do love performing in a band but my first passion truly is performing in general... Now I am rambling on and on... I'll just get to the details that you actually care about then xD

Alright... Hmm... Let me see. I enjoy quite a wide variety in fetishes... The list is pretty much unending but I will narrow it down to a couple of my favourites - BDSM, SnM, Roleplaying, Vampirism, Cross-dressing (Occasionally), Blindfolds, Candlewax... etc. The list goes on ._.

I have a very wide taste so just ask if I'm into something and I'll let you know :P

I for one have the belief in the old adage; "Don't knock it 'til you try it."

I am very adventurous and willing to please as well as be pleased - could never really decide on dom or sub... So depending on my mood I could be either ^^

Anyway, hook me up if you are interested at all ^^

Fetishists_Cat's achievements 3

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