
true 7 dimensional arousement
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Motherless dungeon
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Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Rough
Joined: Aug 8th, 2018
Last Seen: Nov 16th 2018
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interesting kinky taboo-or darkminded sub or slave wanted,young or matured...let me make rediscover your body and 7 dimensions...and i am able to prefeel and find out your personal,also unknown arousements..i am real and am looking for real..athletic male, musicproducer ,living and working in my own place,single, no taboo and limits,except other men ...i am not gay or bi..

i like aesthetic females..that means moderate slim body.... and no extrmemegaboobs:-)...and if you are not satsfied with your actual shape,i also am able to train you phisical and effective to your dremshape,icluded bodystyles and-mods,from classic til bizarre..i invite you to common ultimate private partying and to explore all that in real, others dreaming about only by pictures and videos...i have nearly no limits and wide experiment range...and wouldlead you into common deepest excitements and fetish/orgasmfullfillments of intensive and aesthetic size....i am also medical knowledged on expert/prof level and am through it additional able,to let you experience far beyond usual boring limits in the most exciting let you explore and learn much more interesting and fullfilling:-)...if you are matured and aesthetic,no taboo,you are intersting me as well...

i am ideally looking for longterm and offering high standards...if you have interest in music,arts ,it is advantageful,i could also teach you in addition choerography or composing...remixing of music also moderne techno-shuffle.and more..
also some exciting darkfetishproductions thinkable...

also it is possible ,to come to me anonyme..nobody would know,where you additional kick...
but also causual state with causual living on my adress in my cityhouse is ffm and tabooexperienced,also known with "exotic"fetish (breatplays,chokings,hangings,med plays,painlust,middleage and moderne tortures and more-that dont means all have to happen,if limits got set on forehand...but i am able to let it happen..limitless and taboo included)and with the ways,to expand your bodys sensivity and hornylevel to abnormous high over and over explosive levels of non ending sensations and orgasm,far from usual invited to discover your favorite thrills in real through a wise hand in aesthetic ways..

and i wouldnt mind longterm-lifetime.247, and also taboo creation..i am owning the place for nolimit possibilities and it is designed and created to live it 247 as well as in asocial structure...but unusual ,far from boring social side,is more arousing...limits could get set in the beginning and would be respected...

dont wait...the dreams are made,to come true ....and i will guide you through the most exciting,darkest and arousing possible..soundproof rooms are inside my house me here or ask for protonmailadress,which is safe and crypted...and there is limitless talking possible i am ready to open your deepest darkest dreams into reality ...lets begin

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