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This is a story of a guy that followed me around the mall and kept trying to attack me one day. It involves a bit of sexual assault but not as bad as it could have been. Also I skipped out on a lot of the details, especially with the touchy parts, even though I remember all the details. If it doesn’t make sense I can describe a lot more detail in comments or PM, but I’m skipping a lot of details to keep it from being a novel (I tend to ramble if I get started). And I apologize for this being so long. I was typing it on a word document and then pasted it here and saw it was so insanely huge.
To be honest I’m not really traumatized by what happened, and the experience wasn’t remotely as bad as some of the people on here have gone through so I don’t demand sympathy. In fact I’m not even really bothered by it as much as I should be (Is that weird?). It’s something that only I (and I guess the guys involved) know about and I like to keep it that way, which is why I didn’t report it or anything. In writing the whole thing down it makes me realize that I was pretty stupid. After the first situation I really should have learned better than to let myself get into the others (you'll understand if you read it), but I guess I kept shrugging things off and assuming that I could get out of all the situations without making a scene and getting police involved, even though in reality I was just lucky every single time. It was really stupid of me to not scream and thrash as much as I could, I don't even know why I couldn't manage that. Still, luck saved me and for that I ended up better than a lot of other people, and so I'm thankful for that.
I guess I’m just writing it so that somebody random can read it, since I want to keep it secret from my real life. Again I don't know how much sense my writing makes, hopefully enough.
Anyway on to the story for those who care to read it:
It happened in spring of 2012. It was the day my older sister, Amy, was graduating high-school. Pretty much her grad events started at like 10 AM for group pictures in the sunlight and stuff, then they had a break for about 4 hours to do what they wanted before everyone had to meet up for the convocation part. My sister and her friends all wanted to spend the break at a nearby mall, since we needed lunch/shopping and had time to kill. My mom drove us all to the mall and dropped us off there, having to drive home to pick up my step-dad and younger brothers who didn’t want to come with us in the morning.
When we got there Amy’s friends decided it would be fun to go have lunch in the gas station in the same parking lot. It had a little A&W attached and they thought it would be hilarious to go to a fast food restaurant and eat gross food dressed up in all fancy dresses. We got our burgers and sat down at one of the tall round tables with the high up stools so that their dresses stayed mostly off the floor. I didn’t have that problem since it wasn't my grad, so I was wearing a moderately short minidress. It was black, stretchy, and had the zipper on the front. Big dresses aren’t comfortable, plus there wasn’t a chance of it being stepped on and ripped (which happened to one of them at the dinner).
We were eating our lunch in the corner of the gas station where there were like four tiny round tables. As we were eating two guys came in and got some food. One of them, a chubbier fellow with a thick beard and a hat, went and sat down at one of the other tables but the other one decided to stop and chat with us. I guess the outfits made it pretty obvious it was grad time, and Amy’s friend Christine was in a super friendly mood and more than willing to chat with him about how awesome of a day it would be, even though he was probably like 50 years old and looked like a cross between a trucker and a homeless guy.
That was all fine with me, I’m not a talk-to-strangers type of person but I just ate my food and didn't get involved, however I did listen in. It was mostly the greasy guy chatting about all his grad stories, girls’ dresses getting ripped, guys falling through tables, a couple fights etc. however there were a lot of mentions about how good looking the girls were back then, as well as a few random compliments about how good all of us looked. He didn't seem entirely creepy, just so friendly it was awkward.
Anyway after I finished my meal the guy got up and left the building (leaving his friend still at the table), and after drinking my whole drink I really had to go pee. The other girls were not finished eating (because they do more talking than eating) and so I told Amy I was going to the washroom really quick and she just said to hurry up because they wanted to go to the mall soon. So I found the bathrooms and went in. They were on the other side of the convenience store near the refrigerated drinks through a door and a little hallway.
I finished in the washroom and went back out, but jumped in surprise as I opened the door since the chatty old dude was standing right in the door frame, staring down at me. He was certainly not on his way to the guy’s room. He must have come back inside and noticed I had gone to the washroom and decided to come visit me. He was partly blocking my way out while I stood with the door open. I’m not stupid and could tell what he wanted me for, since he was very obviously undressing me with his eyes as they looked me up and down. His stare was so intensely penetrating that I felt like I was already naked. I felt tempted to just strip down right there to save his imagination the effort, and by the look on his face his imagination was already doing a good enough job that he might not even notice the difference.
I knew I was in a dangerous spot, but I honestly couldn't think of a good way to get out of it. He was a very strong looking person and I was certainly not, so if I tried to push him out he would just push in harder. He hadn’t tried to grab me but I was easily within arm’s reach, and it looked like if I tried to scream he could quickly shut me up. He was standing in the door so I wouldn't be able to slam it shut, and I didn't want to step back into the washroom and let him in. All those options seemed they would end with a smile on his face, and definitely not a smile on mine.
The weird thing was this guy didn't seem at all like the person who had been talking to us before. It was him of course, but his entire attitude seemed to have flipped upside down. He no longer looked remotely friendly or full of energy like he was before. He must be really good at faking a friendly attitude, or else has multiple personalities or something. Now he just seemed terrifying and confident, to the point that I felt like there was no hope of me getting away, and that I the only thing I was supposed to do was lay down right there and let him do his thing. That feeling came in waves, sometimes so strong that several times I was very close to simply giving in and saving the effort of trying to avoid something that seemed guaranteed to happen.
Fortunately for me I always snapped out of that feeling quick enough. I knew I had to get out of there, but I didn’t want to try anything that could make him get violent, so I decided to try just assertively walking out the door. I was hoping that he was trying to seduce me in a non-violent way and that if I looked confident about leaving he would let me go. He was only blocking half the door, but unfortunately when I tried to walk by he casually leaned his arm across to get in my way. I pushed on it a little but he wouldn't move, and instead used his other hand to feel down my back, quickly coming to rest on my butt. I was getting a bit scared with him touching me but I still hoped I could get him to buzz off.
“Excuse me!” I said to him in that bitchy tone that always comes with those words. I pushed on his arm again, and he definitely knew I wanted to go but unfortunately was having none of it. He just leaned in and his other hand made its way around the bottom of my dress. It didn't take long for me to realize this was a failed attempt so I turned toward him and smacked his hand away. He responded by pushing me up against the door frame, pressing his body against me while his hands ran down my sides.
(Anyway I’m sure you all get the general idea of where this was going. In the interest of keeping it clean and short I’m going to skip all of this part and briefly summarize. Also because I tend to ramble, so I’ll just skip it entirely.)
Pretty much I tried to keep calm and wriggle away ineffectively for a while. I didn't want to make things get violent since if he started using his full strength I wouldn't have had any hope of getting away, but when I wiggled my way out he just shoved me against another wall. He ended up getting more aggressive and I just got scared to the point of being practically motionless for who knows how long. He kept whispering insults and gross comments about me and for some time I was convinced they were true.
Some sense kicked into me when he pinned me up against the door and I turned the handle, causing us both to tumble down onto the floor. This was followed by a few struggles that nearly ended with him on top of me, but ultimately had me kicking him right in the face with my pointy heel. It was such a good kick that it pretty much reduced him to a crying mess (which he deserved) and let me get out of there. The whole time I forgot to just scream for some reason, but it turned out fine since he was the one left crying on the bathroom floor.
(It probably doesn’t make sense when shortened that much so you can ask questions in PM or comments and I’ll elaborate. If it weren’t for character limits I would end up rambling on with paragraphs about every moment.)
We left the A&W and I didn’t tell anyone or call the police, simply because I had gotten away before anything terrible happened and I really didn’t want to ruin Amy’s grad day by having the police come. Also because if I told anyone then everybody would be sympathizing and checking if I was okay rather than celebrating Amy’s success, which was something she desperately needed since she was kind of depressed. You can call me an idiot for that if you like, but at the time I thought it was the best decision and I really didn’t want to deal with the police anyway. I wasn’t traumatized or anything and I know it could have been much worse. Most of the stories on here are WAY more horrifying than what happened to me. I guess it was made a bit better by the fact that I gave him what he deserved in the end.
As I left the washroom I noticed the other guy was still at his table, finished his food. He was staring at me, but pretending not to. Since the two knew each other I assumed he must have known what had went on in there. Maybe he was keeping watch to make sure greasy trucker guy had me all to himself, or the more likely situation that he was waiting for trucker guy to finish so he could have his turn with me, in which case he was probably very upset that I was out of the bathroom, or that I was still wearing a dress! Either way I’m glad he was out here instead of both of them meeting me in there. I barely had it in me to fight off one pervert; had both come then I don't think it would have taken much convincing for me to do what they wanted. Then again maybe he was totally innocent and I was just being really suspicious.
We had to go to the mall to get movies and snacks for the next day, since the girls were planning to celebrate graduating by doing absolutely nothing productive for as many days as they could manage. We spent a solid half hour or so looking through a tiny local movie trader in the mall and while we were there guess who showed up? Greasy trucker guy! Sadly his face was not as broken as I had hoped it was, although there was a clear cut on his cheekbone.
Trucker guy came in and saw us looking for movies, and once again inserted himself into our group and started talking enthusiastically with the chattier girls in the group. I had resolved beforehand to not make a big deal out of what happened and I still wasn’t going to, even though he had deliberately pushed in between me and Amy to use himself as a wall so nobody would see him put his hand on my butt. I tensed up a bit but didn’t make a scene about it, since I had decided to not let what happened interfere with grad day and to be honest this was nothing compared to what he wanted to do in the gas station. I pushed his hand away gently a few times but it always ended up back right away, a bit more firmly each time. Eventually I just decided to put up with it for the time being and pretended to read some DVD cases. For quite a while he managed to carry on a perfectly friendly and innocent chat with the girls about what movies are good, all while stealthily trying to claw my dress up.
It was actually impressive how he managed to be so friendly when his only real motive was to cop a feel of me. Clearly I hadn’t given him as many of those as I was supposed to back in the gas station. I had resolved before not to make a big deal out of any of this, and if I could let the other stuff slide then this certainly wasn’t a big deal in comparison. He was clever and persistent, and subtle at least, and it’s not like anyone was noticing. Plus I didn’t think he could really do much more than that without drawing attention to himself, but that didn’t stop him from trying. I think he knew that I was never going to report him so he wasn’t afraid of doing this in public, and it seemed like he was going to keep trying to go further. I guess he had no reason not to as long as I was just standing there letting him do whatever he wanted.
I figured the things he started doing were getting so obvious everyone should have noticed, but none of the girls did and they kept chatting. To be honest I still wasn’t too bothered, since I knew eventually we would leave and nobody but us two would have any idea, however what worried me is actually getting caught like that since I didn’t want anyone to know that I had let some old dude grope me in public. I couldn’t tell him off without everyone knowing that, but I realized it wasn’t like he was going to attack me for trying to move away. I pretty much spent the next however long shuffling about the movie store acting interested in random things. He’d follow me around casually to put his moves on me but I never gave him a long enough before I went elsewhere. Eventually he got tired of not getting anywhere and said his goodbyes to everyone and skittered off.
After getting our movies we had to go to the attached Wal-Mart for snacks and all the junk food and pop we could find. We still had time before my mom was supposed to come get us so we killed a bit of time there as well, since we bolted through all the food isles grabbing stuff and had enough junk food to feed a fat army. We spent about half an hour going through the electronics section. My family used to play a lot of Wii games (and some Xbox) so we were browsing the games aisle for a long time. One of the girls decided to buy a DS game and went looking for the attendant to get it out of the cabinet. While she was gone Chris looked in the cart and decided we still needed Munchies. Since they were still waiting for the game they asked me to run and get some while they waited here so I headed back to the food section, snagged a huge bag of the stuff, and started back.
Walking down a main aisle again I looked ahead and noticed old trucker dude yet again. I realized at this point that he was going to keep following us until we either vanished or he got what he wanted. He was between me and the electronics section and hadn’t noticed me yet so I ducked into a side aisle full of furniture and decided to go around a different way so I could not have to run into him. The electronics were a section in the middle and I figured I’d just go around and meet up with Amy before he saw me, however when I got to the main aisle on the other side I saw him again walking down an aisle toward where I was. He still hadn’t noticed me since I saw him through the shelves but I still didn’t want to run into him so I went down another isle. We played unintentional cat and mouse throughout a good chunk of the store.
I ended up in a section close to the gardening section at the back corner of the store with the tall shelving everywhere. I figured by now he knew I was in the store and was looking for me so as long as he didn’t see me I would be fine. I was at the end of an aisle at the back wall. Nobody was around were I was and there were only a couple people down near the main aisle on the other end. One of them was trucker guy, wandering down the main aisle glancing down either side. The aisle near me had a bunch of bins and storage stuff and it was possible for me to look over them through the shelves and watch him. By the looks of it he couldn’t see me. I watched him stealthily since if I tried to leave the end of the isle he would see me. He looked back and forth a few times down the last aisle.
When he finally turned away and started down the other direction I breathed a sigh of relief. However apparently I was watching so intently I didn’t notice footsteps behind me until it was too late, and I suddenly felt two arms around me from the back. One of the hands covered my mouth for a time, although I tend not to scream when I’m scared anyway. After a few moments I saw the trucker guy turn around and head back toward me. I knew the person behind me was the other one from the gas station because I could feel his rough beard on my neck, and I figured they must have been trying to herd me away from the busy part of the store so they could trap me, which I apparently fell for like an idiot.
(Here’s another part that I’ll be skipping a lot of details on.)
I was still holding the bag of munchies in one hand for some reason, but the other was free to try and push him away, although it didn’t work. By the time I realized I’d never push him off like that, trucker guy showed up around the corner and I was immediately stuck between them. I couldn’t push away, there was nobody else in sight, and Amy would never look for me in this corner of the store, so I quickly resigned myself to my current role as the tasty filling of their human sandwich. Thankfully neither of them got to enjoy their filling for very long since we eventually heard loud footsteps from a couple aisles over. To be honest I hoped for a moment whoever was there would go away, because I didn’t want anybody to see what I was doing. Luckily trucker dude let go of me, walked over to the other aisle and started talking cheerily to the person there, leaving me in the arms of the chubby (less strong) guy.
He seemed to be under the impression that at this point I wasn't going to resist anything, so he wasn’t really restraining me. I waited a little while until he was not paying attention and smashed my elbow into the side of his head, and I was able to get away without giving trucker dude time to get back and put me back in my place between them. I even made it out with my bag of munchies. I was really lucky that person showed up in the next aisle, even though he hopefully had no idea what was going on, since without him I was completely expecting to be there until they got bored of me.
Neither of them really chased me, which is good because with the heels I was wearing they could have crawled and caught me. I guess they knew they failed and didn’t want to make a scene, and trucker dude knew I wouldn't make a scene on my own if they left me alone. I was in the clear again and wasn’t worried about them trying something in any places with other people so I resolved to stick next to Amy for good.
When I got back to Amy and the others, they were leaving the electronics and I gave them their food. I got a “What took so long” response, but I didn’t tell them that less time was spent getting the food than was spent trying to escape from touchy perverts. We went to the checkout lines but they only had one open and we had to wait in line for a long time.
Unfortunately I hadn’t seen the last of my admirer, and while we were standing in line I noticed him on the other side of the registers standing by the bathrooms staring at me. I made eye contact by accident and he nodded his head toward the bathrooms with a sly grin, obviously wanting me to join him (and probably his friend) inside. He somehow must have thought I was just playing hard to get, and just teasing him by kicking him and trying to escape. I guess in his backward way of thinking, being felt up in the gas station, followed through the mall, and grabbed at in the back of a Wal-Mart would fill any girl’s stupid, horny brain with such overpowering desire that I couldn’t possibly resist jumping into the washroom to let him finally have his way with me.
As sarcastic as that was, it’s a little embarrassing to admit that I was actually, for some reason, tempted to go over there, and I have no idea why I would even think that while knowing what they would do with me. Unfortunately for him I decided that it would be a bad idea to go into the washroom with them (duh). We all left together and as we walked past the bathrooms he didn’t look as disappointed as I expected, considering I was being such a fun wrecker. Maybe he still held out hope that I was going to give in to my lust and crawl back to him, but more likely he had gotten enough satisfaction from everything else that day even if I left without giving him the entire experience, although I’m sure his imagination had no trouble filling all the holes.
We left the mall and were picked up by my mom in her van. I sat through the convocation while my sister got her awards and diploma. It was all pretty boring to be honest; especially compared to how unpleasantly exciting my day had been so far. The rest of the day went really well and was lots of fun, however the whole day I kept thinking I would run into those guys again, since they kept finding me in the mall. While we were taking pictures outside the church where the convocation was I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of trucker dude in the far side of the parking lot for just a moment, although I was almost certainly seeing things as there was no way he could have found out where we were. Still I didn’t want to go and investigate on the off chance it was actually him, since there would be the remote possibility of being dragged into some white van to be used and left in a back alley, which really didn’t appeal to me.
By the end of the day I was past it all though and I was able to totally enjoy the dinner and dance afterward and have lots of fun. It’s not like I forgot about it, obviously I haven’t, but it wasn’t hard to deal with in the end. I’m totally okay and always have been, and I’m still confident I made the right decision in not telling anyone about it, even if everyone here thinks it was a stupid idea. It wouldn’t have improved my life to get the police involved, but it certainly would have ruined Amy’s grad, and I would have been a terrible sister and friend to do that when she was already so upset about her own life.
Anyway that’s the story. Hopefully it’s still good for this board. Any comments, questions, etc. are welcome. I’m totally good with just talking or answering anything because, as I said, I’m not traumatized by it

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26 Oct 2011 2:30PM
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I confess I would rape this ass

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11 Feb 2011 10:21PM
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I confess that me and my friend raped the little thirteen year old bitch who lives down the street from us was giving my baby sister a hard time.
I still don't know what she did to my sister but she came home crying one too many times.
This girl would sneak out all the time and hang out with a bunch of kids at the park. Me and Joe stole a bottle of Jack from Joe's brother and put some Ruffies in the bottle. So we went to the park, and left the bottle on the path that lead from her house, while we hide in the bushes. Sure enough after a while she came walking along the path and saw the bottle. It was half full, she could resist. She picked it up and shined light through the bottle, then sniffed it, and finally taking a quick sip. Next thing I see she just takes a few big gulps of it and closes it. She didn't get far before the Ruffies start to work. She started stumbling a bit so we walked up and "helped" her. We took her into the woods. We just started telling her all sorts of stuff keeping her off balance and confused.
We told her she was beautiful and that we'd love to see more of her. Joe told her he loved her. She took off her clothes on her own, I pulled out my dick and showed it to her. At first she backed away but I pretty much forced it into her mouth. She got a little into it, then I traded off with Joe. I started fingering her, and she got wet quick.
We pushed her to the ground and I ate her our for a bit. Then i pulled out a condom and as I was putting it on she started saying "No I don't want to, please stop." But I ignored her and push my dick inside her tight pussy. She was a virgin. We took turns fucking her, then moved on to her ass. We didn't get much fun out of her ass, it was too tight and I barely got halfway in when she started screaming. So we went back to her pussy. In the end we cummed in her mouth and made her swallow.
We had her get dressed, then poured some of the Jack on her clothes, so she smelled of it and told her to she should go home now. We followed her from a distance, to make sure she got home. The ultimate pay back was when she didn't sneak in but opened the front door and set off the alarm.
She's been grounded since that night, and she doesn't remember anything. I kinda want to feel bad, but my sister hasn't come home crying since, in fact the bitch is getting picked on now. The rumor is she got drunk and fucked one of the homeless guys that hangs around town. I wonder who started that.

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06 Apr 2011 5:44PM
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I confess, 4 years ago me and 2 friends gang raped a girl at a party. She was drunk & we talked her into going out back to get high. My friend started kissing her & she seemed into it at 1st. He started pulling her shirt over her head & she started resisting. She got kinda pissed & started cussing & trying to pull her shirt back on. Suddenly, my friend punched her in the stomach. It looked loike he hit her pretty hard, because she collapsed to the ground making these pathetic little sounds as she tried to breath. Just she was begining to suck air into her lungs again, my friend lifted her up asking if she was ok. Before she could even say anything, he socked her in the gut again. I hadn't been expecting all this & was just kinda standing there in shock. When my friend pushed her over on the ground with his foot, knelt over her and told that if she didn't keep her mouth shut, next time he'd smash her pretty face instead of her stomach. I don't know why I did, but when he told me to hold her legs, it was like my body was on remote control. Two of us held her down as he roughly pulled her clothes off. It happened so quick, it seemed like he was just suddenly on top of her & after some awkward fumbling, he was fucking her on the ground as I hooked my arm under her knee pulling her leg up & my other friend held her shoulders down. She must've been terrified, because even though she was crying with snot running out of her nose, she didn't put up much of a fight. The next guy took his turn & I was telling myself I wouldn't do it, but my cock had other ideas. So, when my turn came, I raped her as she sobbed. I know it sounds brutal, but it really turned me on to be able to just fuck without worrying if the girl was getting off. When we finished, my friend went through her clothes & found her ID. He told her he knew where she lived & if she ever said a word about what happened, we'd all stop by her house one night & teach to keep her mouth shut. I was totally freaked out for the next few weeks, but as time went on & the cops never turned up, I relaxed & eventually the only time I ever thought about that night was was I jerked off. My co-worker talked me into trying out a new cafe for lunch today. I was finishing a text as the waitress took our order, but when I looked up, I was staring right into the face of the girl we gang raped 4 years ago. I was so surprised I couldn't speak & when she asked a 2nd time for my order, I realized she didn't recognize me. I couldn't get out of there fast enough & my stupid co-worker was eating slow as hell! I kept waiting for her face to show some sign of recognition, but it never came. I have to confess, I spent the afternoon fantasizing about seeing her again. Who knows, maybe I'll ask her out. I mean, I already know she a good fuck. How fucking sick would it be if I could get her to confide in me how 3 guys gang raped her 4 years ago? I think I just found a new lunch spot, lol.

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13 May 2010 7:46PM
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I watched a gangrape happen about ten years ago and I still think about it constantly. That other guy's rape confession made me think about it. I was on an out of town bachelor party with a bunch of cops. My ex gf's brother was the groom to be. So long night of partying we go back to the hotel and I meet couple of girls and convince one really drunk one back to our room. We had like three guys a room to save money and since we weren't really going to be there in the room much.

So I get couple people to leave lock the door and we have sex. Pounding on door, guy needs to come in for something and I let him in. I go to the bathroom take a shit, shower and come out and there's like seven guys on her. I'm like wtf not cool. They are all cops too. I tell them to stop and they say to quit being a pussy. She was not into it but scared out of her fucking mind. I should have done something more. One guy like held her jaw open forcibly to get his cock in. I left. I was sick to my stomach. I came back in to watch the train wreck for some bizzarre reason. They worked that poor girl over for hours and hours. She was crying and yeah like the pussy they called me I let them get away with it.
The next morning when we were leaving the girl looked like she just had gotten out of a fucking warzone. Shaking, covered in red splotches, snotty face and I wanted to blow my brains out.
I broke up with my gf of 8years over the guilt and usually think about it every day at least a little bit. Sometimes I wonder if that night ruined that young girls life. She was very cute young college girl. Strangely enough I always think of every girl I date since than fucking other guys with me helpless. So don't be a pussy is the lesson learned.

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31 Aug 2016 2:58PM
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I needed a drink, had a shitty day at the office so I decided to go to an old dive bar I used to go to when I was in my 20’s. I’m in my 40’s now (just for reference). The wife was in one of her moods, just got her period so I really didn’t want to deal with her either. Also for reference, she is openly bi and we both have girlfriends on the side.
I get to the bar and it’s changed a lot. It turned into an alternative, emo, goth punk bar. I’m fine with that – good music. It was dark, the walls all painted black with some neon lighting here and there to make it look ‘spooky’ or whatever. I sat right at the bar, didn’t really look around to see who was there because I really didn’t give a fuck. I ordered a Newcastle from the bartender, a skinny guy with a pierced septum, weighted earrings on each ear, tats down his arms etc, standard “hey I’m alternative,” look.
On my third beer I looked up because there was quite a ruckus. A beer bottle smashed on the floor and a woman was yelling at someone, “fuck you cunt.” The bouncer who was at the door nearly half asleep attended to the situation and ejected a tall skinny blonde girl, maybe in her mid-twenties, drunk off her ass. I shrugged it off. “One more beer and I’m done,” I told the bartender. He went to get me another beer out of the tap.
“Hi.” I heard a sweet voice say.
I looked over and saw this petite, pale skinned pixie cut beauty looking right into my eyes. Instantly, my brain exclaimed, “I’d hit that, damn.”
“Hello,” I replied back. She plopped right down next to me on the bar stool.
“You’re a bit old for this bar aren’t you?”
I smirked, laughed a bit and looked at her again. Damn she was fucking hot. Small little perky tits hidden under that black shirt, I was eying her and she could tell easily.
“Back in the day this was my default bar. I was in the punk scene, in a few bands, I had my fun for an old fuddy duddy,” I told her with a smile.
She nudged my shoulder still making eye contact, “you’re not that old.”
“I feel like it. What happened back there?” I asked pointing to the broken glass being cleaned up.
She looked down, whatever I said hit her hard.
“My girlfriend just broke up with me because she’s a cunt,” she said.
“Oh, that sucks I’m sorry to hear that. Shit happens, you’ll find someone else. Plenty of fish and all that.”
“We weren’t in love or anything,” she said looking a bit depressed.
“Yeah you were, you look like your heart has been ripped out of your chest.”
“Fuck that cunt,” she said taking a swig of her drink.
I was trying to be cool, “she was vulnerable and this is a great opportunity to get some pussy,” by other brain began whispering to me. The chess game began.
“You’ll find another girl, you’re pretty,” I told her.
“Yeah, I can get the best of both worlds I’m not limited, I’m not a dyke, I’m bi.”
Bingo. Almost checkmate.
“That is cool, my wife is bi. She’s gone through a few girlfriends but finally found one she likes and gets along with, so I can identify with what you’re saying” I told her after I took a sip of my beer.
“You let your wife fuck other women? You’re a freak bro,” she said laughing.
“Yeah, we’re in an open marriage, so…”
“Oh bullshit, now you’re just trying to get in my pants you dirty old man,” she drank more.
“Hold on,” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called my wife. She picked up.
“Hey babe, there is this cute chick at the bar that doesn’t believe we’re in an open marriage, you want to talk to her?”
She did. I gave this girl my phone and said, “talk to my wife about it.”
They were on the phone for a good 5 minutes. I finished up my beer and pulled out a few bucks to tip the bartender.
When she was done talking to my wife, she handed my phone back.
“Hey babe, I’ll see you in a few minutes I’m coming home,” I told my wife and hung up.
“You’re leaving? You seem cool as fuck. Don’t leave yet. Buy me a drink!”
I did, but I also texted my wife that I was staying because this chick seemed interested in me.
It was getting late, I had to put on my “A game” if I was going to get this pussy – but it seemed like this girl already had me pinned.
“So, if we’re going to fuck your wife says you have to wear a condom. They sell condoms in the men’s bathroom.”
“I have condoms in my car, wife insists,” I smirked.
“You can come back to my place or we could get a room,” she said. I was in, “holy fuck,” mode. This never ever happens.
“My name is Mike,” I said.
“Irene,” she said a bit bashfully.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just that… I’ve never been with an older guy, it’s always been a fantasy of mine though.”
“How old are you?” I asked.
“22, just turned it yesterday as a matter of fact.”
“I’m twenty years older than you Irene.”
“Good, daddy,” she said laughing her ass off.
We went back to Irene’s place, a small studio apartment a few miles away from the bar. I followed her car.
Irene, she stood about 4ft 11inches tall (maybe 5ft), maybe 90lbs max, could have been less. She was half Korean and Polish, a perfect mix of beauty from both cultures. She had jet black pixie cut hair, small perkey B cups, pearl white skin and a beautiful ass that could easily start a war. She was a perfect 10. I’ve never had a perfect 10 in my life and this moment was like a fucking dream. Conspiracy thoughts started running through my head, “this is a setup, and there is no way this is happening.” I kept my guard up.
We sat on her old beat up couch and she made the first move. Her red lips touched mine an my tongue swept gracefully into her mouth. She began to moan and unbutton my pants. Her soft hands slid down inside my pants and underwear. She stopped. She froze.
“Holy fuck,” she said smiling.
“That’s going to hurt!” she exclaimed as she tugged on my erect cock.
“I’m not that big!” I told her.
“Whoever told you that is a fucking idiot,” she said stroking my cock more, closing her eyes and kissing me.
The thing is, I’m not that big. Fuck. I’m a guy, I’ve measured it. I’m thick, but it only measures out to 6.5 inches. I think once I cheated the ruler and it was 7 inches. It’s just a normal cock, nothing like you see railing petite women in porn. I’ve always viewed it as nothing to be excited about.
I cupped her breasts, they were soft and warm. Her nipples were nice and pointy. Perfect buds. I took her top off and damn near ripped her pants and panties off. She was naked and gorgeous.
“Holy shit, you’re a goddess!” I panted as she stroked me.
She pulled my pants down, took my shirt off and she started giving me oral. Her small mouth couldn’t fit me all inside. I felt like a hung porn star for the first time in my life. She couldn’t even get half way down my shaft. Maybe her BJ skills needed improvement, but still – the perspective I saw it from made me feel like I had a huge cock!
My fingers began to work her pussy as she sucked on me, and she was tight. I was going to have a problem getting my dick in her. She was so petite and small, I don’t think her frame would be able to handle me. She’s 4’9” and I’m 6’2” tall.
She pushed me back to lay down and she climbed on top of me. I could feel her pussy dripping wetness on my cock.
“The condom,” I panted.
She impaled her tight wet pussy on my hard cock. She screamed and began bucking me in and out of her. Her pussy was super tight. I could feel the head of my cock knocking on her cervix as she pushed all of me deep inside her. I was already feeling my nuts tighten up because an orgasm was coming. I’ve never been a minute man, ever.
I thought of something else. I tried to focus on something else so I wouldn’t bust a nut right away.
It wasn’t working. I stopped her.
“You’re too tight!” I said, “hold on.”
I went down on her and tasted her sweet pussy. She was shaved accept for a small jet black tuff of hair right above her slit. Her pussy was well kept, slight odor but nothing horrible at all. She began bucking as I licked her, telling me where to lick. It took a good 30 minutes until she let loose with an orgasm that seemed as if she was having an epileptic seizure. Her screams woke the neighbors who started pounding on the walls. She laughed.
I sat back down on the couch after eating her out.
“Your turn,” she mounted me again, she must like to ride.
I came really quick. Not even going to lie. I was in her for like five minutes and I exploded.
She was bucking me in and out of her, her hips swiveling and riding me perfectly and my cock was in heaven.
“I’m going to cum,” I told her as I felt my cock become harder and my nuts tighter.
“Cum in me daddy, I want your cum!”
She intensified her thrusts and gyrations. I felt her clasp my cock with that tightness and I began to ejaculate. Each pulsation of cum sprayed inside her as my hands grabbed her ass and pushed her down on my cock more. Deeper and deeper I pulsated inside of her. I moaned and groaned with each and every thrust. I wanted to pass out. Holy shit. Best sex ever. It felt so good, it was beyond words.
We exchanged numbers, she’s actually come over to our house for dinner a few times. Wife is jealous because Irene is so beautiful. I reassured my wife I wasn’t going to leave her. Irene has suggested that we start dating, that I dump my current girlfriend and have a relationship with her. I told her that I would think about it, but that she needs to know her place if she wants a relationship with me. My wife is the primary, and she is secondary to everything. She was a little insulted but agreed because as she stated, “I’m new to this lifestyle so I have a lot to learn, daddy.”
The wife and I don’t have any children. Wife didn’t want to have any. This chick Irene calling me daddy and being 20 years younger than me, letting me cum in her… well, I’ve got my fantasies too.
LOL, this shit is going to get me in trouble.
*No that isn't a picture of her, it's how she looks though (Irene is a bit thinner).

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12 Dec 2011 3:43PM
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My old fuck buddies daughter sucked cock better then her Mother

So I decided to well confess this but more less tell you guys and girls about my old fuck buddy and her daughter Sorry guys there r no pics. This happen many years ago and read a post today about a daughter walking in on a mother and got me remembering my experience.

About 5 years ago my ex girlfriends cousin Destiny and I always had a thing for each other but I was dating her cousin but we still flirted but that was it . Well ended up braking up with my girlfriend and didn't see Destiny anymore for about six months then went to a bar and ran into her we caught up on whats been going on and had a few beers one thing let to another and ended up back at her house . Let me tell you what Destiny looks like she is 5'1" tops very long Black hair nice hour glass figure not fat Nice full Dcup breasts and a nice round ass She has a 13 yo daughter but you wouldnt be able to tell she ever had a kid at all no stretch marks her tits her all natural n full sagged a little but nothing like you would think they would she was hot and in great shape .
So any way we end up back at her place and fuck our brains out I didnt realize how freaky she was we basically fucked in every room in her house even in the back yard she was a great dirty talking girl loved cum tied her up blind folded her it was great. Well the next morning we woke up fucked again and then we had the talk since I was with her cousin for a few years and I know the whole family we couldnt really date but we fuck so well together we decided to be fuck buddies . Worked for me so the next night I got a call from her wanted to fuck so this went on everytime her daughter was gone at a friends house or at her fathers . So one morning after we had a wild night I walked out of the bed room and her daughter was there she was suppose to be at her fathers. We didnt want to let her know because she knew me well and knew I was with her Aunt Michelle for a few years so kind of strange but she looked at me and was a little shocked I walked out of her mothers room she is old enough to know what was going on she kinda laughed while she ate her breakfast and said Mom always had a crush on you and then her mother came out when she heard her voice and asked why she wasn't at her dads well guess her and her dad got into a fight and her dad dropped her off . So we all kinda talked and her and her daughter were close and so it was cool she wouldnt say anything that me and her mother were hooking up she was more mature then your average teenager. So as I went to the bathroom and came out they were giggling and laughing . Figured they were talking about me well so a few more weeks came over a few times and even came over watched movies with them both . We went about 2 weeks with out seeing each other and she gives me a call and right when I pick up She says Kayla is gone to a friends and you need to get over here and fuck me and she hangs up . I go over there and I had a key I walked in and I heard the shower turn off right when I walked in and I go to her room really fast and hide in the closet I wanted to scare her . So she comes out of the shower she walks to the end of the bed and has her back to the closet and drying off I burst out of the closet she yells and I push her down on the bed and she relizes that it is me and laughed and we fuck really hard it was fun . We decided to go out and have a few drinks went out she was all over me all night talking dirty had a great night out on the way home she started giving me head on the ride home. We walk in the house she strips down and we start fucking in the living room floor I flip her over and start fucking her doggiestyle she has a great ass I am really going at she is moaning we are both close to cumming then the door opens and her daughter walks in we both look at her and she is looking at us all of us shocked but at the same time excited I know I was was looking at her daughter dead in the face while I have my cock in her mothers pussy and still pumping her pussy it seemed like she stood there for 5 mins looking but it was only really like 30 sec before she kind of hurried into her room . But me and Zondra just keep going and then I pulled my cock out of her pussy and she spun around opened her mouth and I cam all over her face and in her mouth. We got up and went into the room and both both in the shower and still really drunk and she said did Kayla come home or did I imagine that I told her yes and she said this might sound bad but that turned me on her looking at us and I said well it kinda turned me on to. Got out of the shower got in bed fucked again and fell asleep. Next morning Kayla was up when we walked out into the livingroom and she said you guys are crazy and laughed at us ended up finding out she left her friends house cuz she was get on her nerves . I ended up staying at the house for the next few days I started to notice that Zondra would crack the door when we had sex and would grab my cock infront of her daughter from time to time not super obvious but I am sure she saw her mother grab my cock at least once and everytime she did grab me a few mins later we would end up fucking and she would open the door more and more and when she was riding my cock one time I had to say something so I said "Honey are you trying to get us caught by your daughter again ? " She said yea I am it really turned me on alot ever since it happen I have been imagining her walking in on us again while we are fucking am Ia sick person ? I said no honey it is a turn on to me as well I have thought about it to and thats when she stared cumming and started to even squirt it was hot. We talked more and more about it really turned us both on on . I ended up going home for a few days Desity called me and asked if I wanted to come over to watch a movie. I get there Kyla is there and they are both ready to watch the movie Kayla was in the chair just to the right of the sofa and infront of the sofa me and Destiny were sitting on the sofa back and to the left of the Chair Kayla was sitting on . We were about 15 mins into the movie and Destiny starts rubbing on my cock through my pants and started getting me hard I whisper what are you doing she is right there all she has to do is turn her head and she will see and Destiny says yea I know it is a turn on isnt it ? I went with it then she took it a step further and started unzipping my pants really slow so Kayla wouldnt hear the zipper. She reached inside my pants and grabbed my cock and pulled it out right there and started to stroke my cock and whispered in my ear " I am really wet right now thinking about Kayla turning her head and seeing your huge cock in my hand I really want to fuck in front of her. " As she stroked my cock I got harder and harder and imaging Kayla watching us then Destiny went down on my cock and started slowly sucking my cock right there in the living room not more then 5 feet away from her daughter holy fuck I was so turned on my cock was really really hard I was looking over at Kayla while her mother was sucking me off and I looked forward toward the tv and noticed that the glass in the entertainment center was acting like a mirror and I saw that Kayla was watching us though the reflection in the glass and thats when I started cumming in Destiny's mouth it was so hot Destiny swallowed every last drop of my cum and she sat up put my cock back in my pants and she smiled and we started watching the movie and not more then a min after I zipped up Kayla got up and went to the bathroom . I whisperd to her Kayla was watching us through the glass in the entertainment center and she said holy shit I didnt even think of that but wow feel my pussy and took my hand and put it down her pants she was soaked she cam while she was sucking my cock her pants were all wet . I noticed that Kayla was still in the bathroom and it has been a long time I said I bet she is in there playing with her self to Destiny and she said yea probably and she also said and I noticed that you were really hard harder then normal it turns you on having my daughter watch me suck your cock to well of course honey .
Kayla comes out of the bathroom and just to let you know I have a rather large cock a little bigger then normal and my cock was still hard and you could totally see I was still hard through my pants and Kayla looked straight at my cock and we both saw her her mother and me both we got up went to her room and left to door wide open and she said I know you saw her look straight at your cock and I was like yes Destiny said fuck me right now that was so hot took off her pants got on the bed doggiestyle and her pussy was just dripping and I slide my cock into her and not more then 5 strokes she was cumming we werent in the bedroom more then 10 mins shew put on new pants and went out and watched the rest of the movie . Things like this has happen over the next few weeks more and more and one time me and Kayla looked straight at each other and she watched me fuck her mother for at least 2 mins her mothers face was in the pillow and the door was open and she was walking down the hallway to the bathroom and I looked at her and she watched as I slowly stroked my cock in and out of her mothers pussy it was so fucking hot A few days after that when me and Destiny were just fucking Kayla was going Destiny asked me while I was fucking her if I ever imagen fucking Kayla and I stopped mid stroke and said what are you saying she told me not to stop just keep fucking her while we talk and I said can't say I havent kinda of thought about it but I dont think I ever could just fantasy but yea I am sorry if that upsets you and she said no I had a dream the other night that I caught you fucking her and it turned me on a lot in my dream watching your huge cock in her pussy I think I have some issues and laughed and I did to we finished and sat there talking about this whole fantasy thing we decided the whole thing about having her daughter watch us is great and fun and hopefully it will happen but that is as far as it will ever go but the fantasy about me fucking her daughter is nothing but fantasy and we can dirty talk about it but no further then that. She told me what turns her on the most is of her daughter seeing my cock and how big it is and she knows her daughter is a virgin but she has done things with guys because she has told her but I found out that Kayla has a situation with her vagina that she has a condition that her pussy is smaller then normal I forgot what it is called but I guess Kayla has sucked a few cocks and even got her pussy licked by a girl. So they were pretty close and talked a lot . So I didnt see destiny for a week and I get a call from Kayla at 130 in the morning and she was a little drunk she explained that her moms work changed her shifts to the over night shift witch I already knew and that she decided to have a few friends over and some bous came over and wont leave it was just a girls night so I went over there and by the time I got there the boys were pulling away and the other two girls that she had over were passed out drunk. I sit her at the table and you could tell she was a little tipsy but she was maintaining pretty well . We are sitting and talking she asking me not to tell her mom told her I wouldn't as long as she cleaned up I even told her I would help as wel were cleaning she said so I know I wouldnt ever ask you this other then being drunk but what is it with you and my mother fucking with the doors open her sucking you off in the living room while we are watching a movie what is that all about ? I explained that me and her mother were very sexual compatible and we cant control each other sometimes . I didnt want to say well we get turned on when you watch that would not be the greatest thing to say . She said well it almost seems like you guys want to get caught and I smiled and said well there is a excitement about being caught . I told her sorry I will try to calm things down a little more and she said well that's fine I have caught mom masturbating more then once doesn't really bother me that much I guess it kinda is exciting as well for me a little "Oh my god I cant believe she just said that " she couldn't either she kinda realized what she said to and kinda stop talking and then after a few mins of being quite she said I have to say one thing thought and I said what is that and all she said was WOW!!!!!!! I laughed and said well thank you I guess if I am thinking what you are saying wow about and she said you are totally welcome . So we got finished cleaning up and I told her I was going to just crash her for the night in her mothers room . I gave her a hug and she thanked me and she went into her room and I went into her mothers and from leaving the door open all the time I just got use to leaving it open I sat at the computer and turn it on went to the files of the movies me and Destiny had filmed of each other and grabbed the lube and stripped down and started to watch our home made movies and jerk off I was faced away from the door when I heard the bed creek looked behind me real fast it was Kayla sitting down I grabbed my pants next to me and covered up and she said can I watch ? I said I don't know if that is a great idea she said oh come on I have watched you fuck my mother . I tured in the chair all the way around with my pants still covering my cock . I just pulled my pants from covering me and she was sitting on the bed not more then 5 feet away and once she saw my cock her eyes got huge and she got red so I grabbed the lube and lubed back up and started to stroke my cock right infront of her . Well Kayla is a little hottie she was about 4'9" tiny little thing nice little ass on her little hips and her chest was actually developing rather well just like her mother she had to be close to a full c on her little frame very long straight blond hair and nice little pouty full lips . What she was wearing while I was jacking off in front of her was little soccer shorts that showed off her cute butt and a pink tight wife beater with a red bra. So while she watches me she doesnt say a word and neither do I and she never took her eyes off of my cock not for one second I was imagining her completely naked playing with her self and I started to feel myself started to cum and I shot the first stream of cum straight up in the air and landed on my chest and the next streams of cum I pointed forward toward her onto the floor and she watched the whole thing and loved it I stood up and started walking to the bathroom to clean up and she watched as I cleaned myself up and then wiped up the floor right in front of her she still not saying a word then she said " I have to say you have the biggest nicest dick I have ever seen my mother is one lucky girl no wonder why she has been so happen since you guys have been fooling around " Then she looked at my cock again since I was still naked from the waist down and said WOW and said she is going to bed and walked out .
I wake up the next morning to Destiny sucking my cock to wake me up she had just got home from work and we ended up fucking and after she asked what I was doing her and I told her I just wanted to surprise her when she got off work since we havent seen much of each other lately. I got up went to work and she called me later that night and asked if I wanted to come over for another movie I came over and they had already started the movie and watching the previews Kayla was laying on the floor wearing little loose shirts and a tank top with a blanket and a pillow it was a little chilly out looked at the sofa and Destiny was laying down on the sofa covered up with a blanket and a tank top as well Then she lifted the covers to let me lay down and she had no bottoms on at all that just turned me on really bad and I undid my pants right there in front of her and Kayla was facing the tv even took off my boxers and laid behind her and she whipered holy shit that was hot and I guided my cock between her ass cheeks from behind and my cock slide right in she was completely wet when I slide all the way in she whimpered just a little but loud enough to hear it . I look again in the glass in the entertainment center and I see that Kayla is watching us through the glass and I whispered to Destiny to look in the glass and she did and we all knew that we were all watching each other so I started fucking her a little harder and it got hot under the blanket and I pulled it off the bottom of us and opened her legs up so Kayla could get a good look at my cock going in and out of her mothers pussy and then Kayla moved more shifted and then Destiny said look and pionted at Kayla's ass we could both see right up her shorts and I was looking straight at her pink little pussy fuck my cock got hard and I was about to cum . Then out of no where I pulled Destiny's hair back to me so I could whisper in her ear and I grabbed her tit and and said "I bet you would love to see my huge cock in that little pussy" Then destiny push her ass back against my cock so I could put my whole cock deep inside her pussy and she started to cum and I covered her mouth and I cam as well I cam inside her pussy. and Kayla was still watching through the glass and we were looking at her. Then I pulled the covers back over us and then Kayla got up just then and went to the bathroom and stayed in there for 155 mins we both knew she was in there playing with her pussy. Destiny sat up and got on the floor in front of me and as I sat up she said I want to suck the cum off your cock and she started and Kayla could walk out any sec but she didnt care then we heard the toilet flush and she jumped up and we both covered up Kayla came out just as we were covering up she looked at us shock her head and laid back down and we watched the movie after the movie we both got up went to the bedroom to take a shower and fir her to get ready I asked if I could just crash here since it was late and my roommate had company over she didnt have a problem with it . She went to work told me good night and told Kayla I was staying the night and to get to bed and she headed out the door . I got a text not more then 5 mins after she left and here is or conversation I saved it after all these years cuz it really turned me on

Destiny : So I have to say this that when I saw Kayla watching us through the glass made me think a little more

Me : What about ?

Destiny : I really want her to watch me suck your cock full on her watching every min of it from the time I pull your cock out of your pants until you cum in my mouth

Me : Wow honey that is kinda getting my dick hard again

Destiny : I know you got off at looking at her pussy because you came almost right after that

Me : Yea I did well she has a pretty pussy just like her mother and I know you loved the thought of my cock inside of her pussy

Destiny : now your just sucking up to me she has a much prettier pussy then me but we got to stop talking about this I am at work and I cant be all hot and bothered while I am working

Me : Well have fun I am going to jerk off thinking about you sucking my cock while Kayla watches and learns how to suck cock :)

Destiny : Oh you suck LOL well hey no fucking my daughter unless I am thre LOL

Me : Oh stop lol

I walk out to the living room and sit down and turn on the TV hoping Kayla would come out and I hope I would get to jerk off in front of her again . After about 30 mins and a few beers I hear Kayla's door open and she walks out in a over sized tshirt very thin as well she had no bra I could tell because she was nipping out. She walks to the fridge and grabs a beer and walks over to me opens it and says " Can I see it again " She sat down right next to me and said I watched you guys through the glass in then cabinet and I really liked it I went to the bath room and played with my self . I was shocked at how open she was being and I asked her what has changed since the other night when you were so kinda shy about it but now you are all about dont get me wrong honey I like it but what has changed . She told me she can't get the thought of my cock out of her head and has been thinking about it ever since I jerked off infront of her. I said well this time can I see a little something and she said what do you mean ? I said I will masturbate and you will masturbate it is called mutual masturbation . I stood up and started taking off my pants and once I got my boxers off I was semi hard and she reached out and grabbed my cock and my cock got hard right away I was standing up and she was sitting down and she looked up at me and said I had to touch it my god it is heavy to and then she let it go . I sat down next to her and started stroking my cock and she jumped up real fast and went to her mothers room and came back out with the lube and sat back down and handed it to me but I said well why dont you put it on

Sorry have to run but I will post more later

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29 Apr 2012 2:02PM
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I confess I love stories of women being blackmailed or forced into giving a man a blowjob. Example.. A woman giving a man a blowjob to get out of an arrest or to get a job. Or to pay their rent to their landlord. Anyone ever been blackmailed to give a blowjob? If so I'd love to hear about it!

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06 Jan 2013 10:46AM
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When my g/f and I were in our late teens I had to wait in the den while this man we sometimes bought pot from fucked my g/f. We were at this house and he took her into his bedroom. We both agreed to it. My g/f said she would just give him a quick blow job and that would be it. Instead he kept her for over an hour. I knocked on the door once and the man came out naked. He was pissed and told me to relax and quit bothering him. He said I could have my g/f back when he was finished with her and not a moment sooner.

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10 Dec 2012 10:42AM
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I confess in 22 and a femlae.. I want to confess my life story but don't know if people will read
So ill leave a part of me and let me know if you want more

I was 14 my cousin was a dope dealer at the time and he was 18. I lived with him and his mom who was a crack head. He would always have his dealer friends over and most were older than him. One day one of my cousins friends I was cool with comes in my room and asks if I want to smoke weed with them. I agreed and followed him to the garage. There were 5 other guys in there. Before they lit it one guy asks me if I want to pop a pill and I said yea and poped one too look cool. After about 15 min of smoking I black out. When I woke up I was in my room bent over my bed with my panties around my ankles, cum oozing out of me and my face hair and chest covered in cum

Let me know if you want to hear from my childhood

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03 Jan 2013 7:11PM
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Hey everyone, I have a quick confession to make. Some will probably find me horrible but I don't care. I just have confess it here to get it of my chest. To be short I brutally raped my ex. So here's what happened:

My ex gf cheated on me and so I broke up with her. She is very young so I could somehow understand that she wanted to explore some more, but still I don't want to stay with a cheating gf. However, ass time went by I started to hate her more for what she did to me, but somewhere I also still love her. Love and hate really are close. But one night when I was going out and got a bit drunk we saw each other again and went outside the club to talk. After a long talk we split up to go home. However, since I was drunk, horny, hartbroken, hatefull and still in love with her I followed her at some distant. I know the route she has to take to get home and when she walked through the park I went to her and grabbed her around the neck and mouth and dragged her down. I really lost it in some kind of frenzy. I hit her in the face and tore her dress a bit. She struggled of course but I split her legs and lowered her legging and undies. I hit her again before I opened my own pants to bring my dick out. She was crying and murmering 'No!' As I entered her and started to fuck her. I lossened her bra and trew it away so I could squeeze her breasts with one of my hand, while the other was holding her hands down. It really turned me on to hit her, tell her to 'Shut up, slut!' and fuck her without a condom. She always wanted to use a condom when we were together. She didn't use a pill since she always got sick with it or something. And the thought of cumming inside her made me fuck her even harder. When I was about to cum I told her and she was still crying and sobbing. I came really good and filled her up nicely. When I was done I got up and just left her there. I still heard her crying when I was walking away.

This has been a few months already and I heard she got pregnant. I gueass she didn't realise that it was me who raped her because of the trauma and beating I gave her. I hope she takes good care for my child

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21 Dec 2012 5:50PM
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Hot? Yes. Licking her dirty panties? Yes. A filthy slut? Definitely.

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