09 Jan 2023 1guy commented
4 3 1 2
23 Jan 2016 Justhereforfap commented
23 Jan 2016 Justhereforfap commented
19 Feb 2015 niko123 commented
ching chong bitches are meant to be rape things!
24 Nov 2014 niko123 commented
I want to beat and rape these two whores. I could imagine them crying while im jamming my dick in their mouth then their teenage pussy! I would then put their asses into sex trafficking so they can get fucked and abused by random men until they outlived their usefulness then throw them out into the dumpsters so the homeless can have their crack at these whores!
10 Oct 2014 niko123 commented
@HoerNeuker 100% agree bitch needs to learn what her teenage pussy is meant for
01 Sep 2014 niko123 commented
yeah i know these teasing little fuckholes these bitches need to be put in their place which is on their knees with my cock jammed down their young whore throats
28 Jul 2014 niko123 commented
Anybody have any ideas what they would do to this cunt?