22 May 2024 Alice_zy commented
Amazing video. Shame about all the inferior cucks in the comments. At least us girls like it lol
19 May 2024 Arnostrokes commented
Breed right, breed White, always 🤚🏻🤍
17 May 2024 sissycumms commented
them ugly ghetto nigger bitches be so lucky and them lil' dick nigger males needs to go fully sissy faggot likes this nigger and submit to WHITE POWER.
11 Apr 2024 Horde7339 commented
Why do people get so mad over this? Don't see me complaining about blacked stuff as I couldn't care less. I treat people for who they are I don't care about skin colour if I did explain how 5 of 6 friends with benefits of mine yes women I sleep with aren't white, explain that. Little forgot about this person as I had better things to do but I must live in their lil head huh.
11 Apr 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer Am I literally in your head or something? If you don't wanna talk to me, DON'T MESSAGE ME. It's not hard, you're the one moaning and complaining about a fetish some people have, get over it, what you gonna moan about foot fetish or say stockings or lip gloss or bdsm next? Just go away, shut up and go back to reddit ok. What an annoying person you are
09 Apr 2024 blackIcer commented
@Lucille25x7cm too retarded too live. incomprehensible gibberish from a labotomite.
09 Apr 2024 blackIcer commented
@Horde7339 none of your creepyass business why my profile is private wtf? quit trying to stalk me. and if your response to "this fake fetish is a lame cope made by insecure weirdos which is why no one likes it" is "YEAH SO??" then you lost. again, no, bleached is not popular anywhere. check google trends, pornhub stats, etc. also stop trying to pretend you're not a chudtard lol. "duhhh iM NoT rAciSt iM Not sExist I doNt GoT anYtHinG AgaInSt gaYSs" it's so pathetic bro sit down somewher
04 Apr 2024 Tony_clcs commented
Love those thick women
04 Apr 2024 Walkingwhite commented
5 minutes well spent!
15 Mar 2024 Sexitoff commented
20 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@Lucille25x7cm Exactly I just went through life the way I have plus seen most American "wahmen" and British well slags and slappers to know no. I won't have that as my wife if I ever get married, do have my sights on Yelena, Russian girl who's gorgeous, sweet, kind, very feminine and her mom Lyudmila likes me a lot 😏

But she's white so for me more of an attitude thing and most non western women tend to be non white that's all
20 Feb 2024 Lucille25x7cm commented
@Horde7339 Everyone has their own reasons.)
20 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@Lucille25x7cm Well I can't fall in love just not possible anymore with me you'll say you're lying blah blah all that, no really I can't I'm just not mentally wired like that anymore and that's why I have friends with benefits instead, I just find non white women to be better and nicer to hang around with go out with and well sleep with. But yeah telling me bleached is BS and blacked isn't like he has when I've spoken to by now 1000s of women online and 100s irl about it? Is beyond red
20 Feb 2024 Lucille25x7cm commented
@blackIcer You are the very definition of mental retardation.) Appropriately, what about the popularity of your adoring tag.) I've never watched it in my life, but this ad on every site is just eye-catching.) If it's popular, it doesn't need advertising.) And by the way, since 2017, all porn on the topic of a White man and an Asian woman has disappeared from porn sites.) I wonder who did it?) Whose tag gained popularity later?) You masturbate on him.) Ban.) I don't have time for you, r
20 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@Lucille25x7cm I'm British not American lol so I don't see colour and race we just don't. But we see class instead and well it used to be many non white people who came were rich as they could afford to, so there is that angel but nowadays it's mostly because white girls in the west are well. Insufferable most of the time, all dumb, feminists, egotistical, narcissistic, just assholes if I'm going to be honest not all but a lot are and that's not what men want, men want nice kind loving
20 Feb 2024 Lucille25x7cm commented
@blackIcer Stop, with your orthography, did you write to me about learning English?) You are actually mentally retarded.) Moreover, black penises are a kind of religion for you.) Are you gay?) I have nothing against gays.) I'm just not one of them.) You're just the epitome of a mentally retarded isbecile who does what he does, being a racist.) Dēgênèratés like you never ever know how to read, bcs your father goes for milk with your alphabet.)

Or you are retarded with an inferior
20 Feb 2024 Lucille25x7cm commented
@Horde7339 Maybe you missed and answered me what you should have answered him?) In America, even the word "fetish", which is normal in Eurasia, has been turned into an insult... And this "culture" is getting a little bit into Eurasia. It even annoys me sometimes. Because I'm not used to insulting people, and I also like to tell people to their face everything I think about them, that's the culture in our country. We are very open. But in communication with Americans... They are very se
20 Feb 2024 Lucille25x7cm commented
@Horde7339 It's not a fetish, fetish didn't cannot refer to a person.) This is called taste/preference.) We don't fall in love because of some color, we fall in love with the soul, and then our brain makes us love even the sweat of our loved one.)
20 Feb 2024 Lucille25x7cm commented
@Horde7339 I'm white and I'm happy for you.) I don't have the same taste in women as you do.) P.S.: 181cm is tall in USA?)
20 Feb 2024 Lucille25x7cm commented
@blackIcer I'm not, but you definitely retarded.) Learn my language to speak with me or be grateful dēgênèraté.)
17 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer PS, why is your profile private? Got something to hide? Just wondering is all
17 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer And ofc bleached is a response to blacked, if one side can then the other can, called fairness and if that bothers you go somewhere else then. You didn't have to watch the video if you didn't like it plus why would you try to get off to something, not like it and complain? Are you a woman? Because no man whines like a lil bitch ok lol, no man goes well I didn't like that so I'm gonna rant about it! Also again from my own experience bleached is popular around the world.
17 Feb 2024 blackIcer commented
@Horde7339 nice fanfiction and cope. anyway i'm mostly "mad" at the video because it's made by dudes like you who have these weird complexes surrounding bbc and blacked and that's the entire fucking fetish. i said i tried getting off to it but it's too insecure and coping so it turns me off, that's what i was complaining about. bleached is lame because it only exists as a lame response to blacked, and because it's so insecure it'll never actually get popular. but whatever dude, again:
15 Feb 2024 SorryBlackAss commented
@Jesuspiece you set up an account at elevenlabs.io, type out what your want, choose what ai voice you want, and play what you think is acceptable to your taste.
14 Feb 2024 Jesuspiece commented
How do you make these
12 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer Also you're the one who got mad at a fucking bleached video! Do you see me getting mad at a blacked video? No because I'm not an insecure little beta boi. I have no issues with blacked I'm just saying why some white girls are "into it" being it's pushed soooo much whilst the opposite is demonised for some reason. Mind I've always said to non white girls why don't you let the big bad evil white devil in your bed 😏😘😆
12 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer First off no you are coping and secondly yes they have daddy issues lol, look at the average white western girl today, would you date them!? I wouldn't. I'm sorry I don't like baggage like that hence I go for non western women who tend to be non white and thus far of thee 100s spoken to online none have said eww you're white. Had white girls say that to me because they're racist trash! Brainwashed dummies all they are, some aren't but a lot probably are. My points still stan
11 Feb 2024 blackIcer commented
@Horde7339 "explain to me how this thing i made up isn't true! *laughing emoji*" dude, it ain't true. but hey even if you did have the life you claim(you don't) idrgaf. and again, no, you're coping. the whole "they just want to get back at daddy" shit is complete cope. what was it you said? "let people decide for themselves"? i am. that's why blacked is popular and bleached isn't lmao.
and it's really weird and sad how you tried to look through my profile to find something to use agai
07 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
All OW sluts are
06 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@Lucille25x7cm Don't I know it lol, jeez this guys beyond a joke! Here's the thing ok, if I see a white girl with a black man guess what? I don't care, why? Because I'm not some insignificant, insufferable, irritating lil incel! People are into all sorts myself being one kinky guy knows this! So yeah skin colour is fetishised, ok whatever. I've had non white girls do it to me, makes me smirk and go hmmmmm ok then lol.

But seriously what a joke of a person and insecure too and racist
06 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer Love how your profile is private, why, got something to hide? I don't! Hell you can go on mine and see my DICK! That's how insecure I am lmao 🤣. Now am I the biggest guy in the world? Ofc not! But far from average. So go take your pathetic self elsewhere ok, it's a bleached compilation ok if you don't like it? DON'T WATCH IT THEN!!! Jeez these people are beyond PATHETIC! So triggered by everything huh, no wonder you don't like guy's like me because we get all the pussy
06 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer Oh shut up! Ofc it is, blacked is popular because some white girls with daddy issues wants to get back at him, awwwwwww so sad, or they've seen all the adverts or as some people say commercials with white women and a black man. So utterly pathetic how they push that crap! How about you let people choose for themselves huh, stop being racist and let women choose for themselves although if you do that guess what? Most will go for white guys and that's a fact ok
06 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer Then explain how I've 6 friends and benefits 5 OF WHICH aren't white. Explain that to me. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 go ahead explain it because that's my life, I'd love to see you try to explain why Bashira, Shalaine, Kaz, Liyana and Kiara all love me to pieces 2 are Chinese 1 Iraqi and other 2 are Pakistani. I'm white British if you're wondering lol
06 Feb 2024 blackIcer commented
@Horde7339 and no, you have never spoken to a woman about how much they love "bleached" stop lying lol. it ISN'T popular, lol that's my point. it could be more popular but it's too filled with weirdo incel vibes to be. as it is bleached is ENTIRELY populated with white dudes coping about blacked. the only place where you could say there is legitimate preference for white dudes is yes among asian girls. but that's pretty much it, and way i hear it even that's waning for various reasons
06 Feb 2024 blackIcer commented
@Horde7339 that ain't how popularity works, things don't just get popular because some *nebulous ill-defined and apparently organized entity* "pushes" the thing until it is. people generally follow things they like--especially in regards to something as visceral as porn. BBC fetish has existed for centuries and was originally created by white men as a way to demonize black men, but it backfired. these days it exists as people's sexual proclivities and politics are changing drastically.
06 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@blackIcer Blacked is popular because it's pushed so much, bleached is popular because many non white girls actually like white men, I should know I have spoken to a lot of them online from by now everywhere even places like Kyrgyzstan. So I'd say it's more how it's pushed. Plus most people date within their own ethnicity ok but some like me prefer not to and when it comes to non white women well, they're all infatuated with white guys no really they are. Kinda weird really especially
06 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@Lucille25x7cm PPS it's a fetish, GET OVER IT! Jeez you people are pathetic! Guy's like me white sometimes like Asian girls or Black or Latina, get over it. I'd be a hypocrite if I said anything bad about blacked as I'm doing the exact same thing in reverse so I'd be a hypocrite! In the end enjoy who you enjoy and stop moaning like a lil 🐕
06 Feb 2024 Horde7339 commented
@Lucille25x7cm Do you know statistically the lowest divorce rate in America, by race? Black women and white men 😊. 58% less likely to get divorced than the average. Must be because we treat women well and we're not abusive or anything, PS I've 6 fwbs atm, 5 are non white and they love me for that. One Bashira even calls me her big white teddy bear hahaha
05 Feb 2024 Angryogre commented
Love it...
27 Jan 2024 YessSirr2uSir commented
Now THIS is ART!!!