02 Sep 2015 zripper25 commented
@Whodawhatnow in what world does a heterosexual male even give a shit about that when watching porn?
27 Aug 2015 zripper25 commented
@attrielle any footage of this or are you just being an attention whore?
28 Jun 2015 zripper25 commented
I lost it a 2:12. The repeated smacks were hot as fuck.
11 May 2015 zripper25 commented
18:11 that's a new move, definitely gotta try that one.
02 Apr 2015 zripper25 commented
would it be possible for you to add english subtitles to your videos.
12 Mar 2015 zripper25 commented
@EightLoaded Yes, thanks. She's hotter than cannibal cupcake but she lacks her enthusiasm. Still fucking hot though.
26 Jan 2015 zripper25 commented
If it weren't for her teeth you wouldn't be able to tell this girl was japanese at all. She has a great ass though.