06 Sep 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
great cock. what sort of festival is this that allows this sort of exposure and behaviour in a public place?
31 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
Thanks very much serg_wimp for the translation. :)
29 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
wow what a difference in confidence from this video to his next one.
29 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
should have at least cum on her tits.
29 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
hmmm agree with everything the two other posters have said.
29 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
oh please please please can someone translate??
29 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
awesome video though. Love his guts walking straight up to them. Think he just missed out cumming on her though.
29 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
why the hell did he blank out the top left corner. What could it possibly have been that needed hiding?
29 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
looks like the anticipation of her coming in was a little too much for him to contain his cum.
29 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
mmm was okay. Too bad she didn't see his cock. She looked quite fuckable as far as older ladies go. And just as she was leaving and he could have had his cock hanging for her to see as she rode away. some one else was walking past in teh other direction so he probably had his cock hidden. Looking forward to seeing more of his stuff as he gets braver.
27 Aug 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
damn now that is a great get. Voyeurs heaven. I would have been getting so hard while videoing this hot ass. Just a perfect candid vid.
14 Jul 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
he seems like a beginner still very unsure of himself. Look forward to seeing him develop and be more out there. Do you know who he is op
14 Apr 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
yeah it is so hot.
07 Mar 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
poor dog he couldn't get any purchase. dumb woman had set him up on a slippery floor.
31 Jan 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
LOL wasn't so cocky , excuse the pun, when the guys walked past. Liked the cum at the end.
31 Jan 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
good on him for bating in public like that, but seriously, all she could be seeing is his hands moving up and down and if she is lucky, she may see a glimpse of the top of his cock. His hand totally obscures any vision of his cock. I do still give him credit for being out there.
31 Jan 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
was a huge fail not showing his cock as he was bating in front of the girls...can only assume he is learning
31 Jan 2012 vegemiteguy62 commented
love it, wish the pic of the chic wasn't blurred. would have loved to see her expression clearly
07 Dec 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
I'm sure that is what daddy said the first time he bathed her.
14 Nov 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
damn if this is faked , it's looks so fucking real. If not he/she is damn hot. Think I would have trouble stopping, if I started on her not knowing she was a he.
22 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
what is that attachment suppose to do??
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
fucking hot comes to mind.
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
Haven't ever had the guts to do anything like this before..but I would imagine these days it would be very very risky compared to the past..since most people these days have mobile fones with cameras with video capability. If they take pics or video of you doing this they can pas on to the police for perfect identification. Or am I wrong?
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
I know nothing at all about upskirting...but this seems way too perfect for it to be real. Who lets anyone stabd so close to them in that situation especially so that they can get such a perfect view of their pussy for that long. WHEn he approached her she had no one whatsoever standing anywhere near her. Then he turns up..a complete stranger and stands still that close for over 2 miniutes. I don't think so. But loved the hot pussy even if it was a randy couple that staged it for fun.
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
OMG the guts this guys has.....I am very impressed with this guy. Does he even care if people around him see what he is doing. Especially people that may/must be coming up the escalator behind him.
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
loved teh vid loved their bodies. way too short.
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
In my opinion...totally staged. No way she wouldn't have felt her top being pulled down..let alone her nipples being played with. As for teh bra. Virually no girl would wear a bra with that top. Is designed to be worn without a bra. Loved her tits though. made my mouth water. Her reaction was pretty kool though. Still very very surer it was staged.
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
love the zoom on the camera. Would love to have a camera that could zoom that much. The things I would zoom in on.
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
Even if people do see they for the most part try not to make it obvious. Also, you will notice that he is left handed and uses his right hand to hold the camera. We are always on teh dick side of the video, while the other people are on the hand side. So what they would be able to see is mainly hand motion and occassionally the head of his dick protruding past his hand. Also we are inches from his cock, they are a couple of metres at least.
21 Sep 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
No doubts whatsoever that they saw. But of course they aren't gonna make it obvious. That is exactly what the guy wants them to do and they want to make out that they saw nothing so as not to give him the satisfaction.
30 Jul 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
g'day it would seem that everything you tried uploading in teh 21/04.11 failed. haven't been able to open one pic for that date.
28 Jul 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
loved teh vid one of teh best bus falshes I have seen. Man I wish I had the guts to do that. It made me so hot.
19 Jul 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
yes she is the epitome of "cute" most definitely as one membered commented previously. But once they start and discover the power they have....the just do more and more and more. Kinda sucks when they totally lose their innocence.
19 Jul 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
they certianly lost their shyness by the 40 minute mark. The youngest one of the three was so keen to get her gear off. And so young she hadn't reached puberty.
19 Jul 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
for those of you that don't think it is teh same girl....check out teh bracelets on her right wrist, They are exactly teh same as the ones when she is singing at the start. So that makes it that much hotter.
19 Jul 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
thank you very much ;)
18 Jul 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
i need details about the story behind this. No trumpted up bullshit story but the truth. Is it a doctors clinic , is she a nurse of sorts? Please if there is any way of getting the true story I would be very greateful.
18 Jul 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
they totally didn't give a shit. how embarrassing for him.
21 May 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
photoshopped and a shit job of it, excuse the pun.
06 May 2011 vegemiteguy62 commented
just peeerfect. thanks for posting