25 Oct 2013 tennant commented
Thanks for uploading these videos man. I've been looking for this girl's stuff for so long and it's very difficult to find due to her niche following. Do you have more you plan to upload?
04 Oct 2013 tennant commented
Nothing is better than watching an asian chick gobble down a big, fat white dick.
23 Sep 2013 tennant commented
Anyway, whoever this chick's brother really is actually probably could fuck her if he wanted. She seems into it. I've never wanted to be someone's brother so bad in my life...
23 Sep 2013 tennant commented
When she said her brother was also twenty three it made me have too ask. Dude. Are you actually her brother? You can PM me the answer if you don't feel comfortable leaving it here.
13 Aug 2013 tennant commented
Wow, she sucks dick fantastically and has a pretty awesome set of big natural tits.
23 Jun 2013 tennant commented
Also assumed it was a male and female. They seem happy in their little niche so I suppose that is all that matters.