20 Jan 2021 sarah37 commented
@Swedishpanther Yes, it was a hot experience...every time!
11 Jun 2012 sarah37 commented
Give that poor dog a step ladder! LOL
06 Jun 2012 sarah37 commented
So right! Persia is incredibly hot! I can only hope to look half that good when I reach her age. Rock on, Persia!
22 May 2012 sarah37 commented
That is an incredible video! Even as "rough" as these double-rapes are, what really makes the whole scene so incredibly hot is the cold-hearted, dead-eyed complicity of the red-head who invited the victims over. Not only does she spend most of the time watching and getting turned on by it all, but she finally jumps in and actively helps 'her men' rape those girls! Wow. So much for the close bond of sisterhood, hunh? It's so hot, I've got to watch it again right now!!!
19 May 2012 sarah37 commented
This actually brings back memories of my own youth, with my stepdad...
24 Mar 2012 sarah37 commented
Incredible! I love it...every time!
12 Feb 2012 sarah37 commented
God, I love this video! It kinda gives a girl something to aim for...LOL!
11 Feb 2012 sarah37 commented
Is there anything more beautiful than the female form in motion?
02 Feb 2012 sarah37 commented
He's so young...and so tall!
17 Sep 2011 sarah37 commented
That is the most naturally beautiful coupling I've ever seen...on video! I absolutely love this.