21 Sep 2019 julie181 commented
@Tumbls19 I like submission that pushes enough to create raw emotion, but this doesn't feel like that to me. Of course I don't really know, and maybe she's a great actress, but the way this escalates to a defiant "fuck you" between sobs doesn't feel like the act of someone who's on the same planet as consensual submission.
17 Sep 2019 julie181 commented
This feels like a rape.
24 Jul 2019 julie181 commented
@TiceTwice of course men are sexually adaptable too. Generalizations are always a "tend to," not an absolute rule, especially when there's a false dichotomy like gender involved.
11 Jul 2019 julie181 commented
why do people put music over clips? the real audio is way better. if I wanna play some music I'd just play some music
16 Mar 2019 julie181 commented
This is some kind of cursed image, right?
16 Sep 2018 julie181 commented
lucky girl
looks fun
07 Aug 2018 julie181 commented
Women tend to be more sexually contextual and adaptable than men. If a woman is into you and you tell a vivid story as to why something is hot, odds are good that she'll respond and find it exciting too.
23 Apr 2017 julie181 commented
@binsama who thinks people have a hymen in their ass? That's one of the silliest things I've ever heard.
17 Feb 2017 julie181 commented
RIP my ears lol