15 Dec 2022 exploring34 commented
@cestluv69 Or maybe she can masturbate them. ;)
14 Dec 2022 exploring34 commented
@cestluv69 and what if they masturbated looking at her pictures?
10 Dec 2022 exploring34 commented
So I decided to become a personal trainer in my spare time but before I went out an asked for paying clients I decided I wanted to get some experience first. My mom said she wanted to start an exercise program so I decided I would become her personal trainer. Before we got started I had her do some fitness tests and then asked her to take a picture later so we can track her progress. Later that afternoon I got a text from my mom, "Here is the before photo you asked for"............
10 Dec 2022 exploring34 commented
Even though she was my mom, I always had a fascination with my mom's breasts. I could tell they were very nice. I'd see her cleavage, I'd see the shape of them in tighter clothing but I never saw them. That never stopped me from fantasizing about them when ever I got a chance. My mom went on vacation for a couple weeks and this was the longest we've been separated so instead of texting I decided to Facetime her. She answered thinking it was just on speaker phone. I took a lot of screenshots.....
07 Nov 2022 exploring34 commented
@luvtobnastytoo Yes she is. She has that sweet motherly face with a very sexy body.
08 Oct 2022 exploring34 commented
During the pandemic my mom and I both lost our jobs and had no way of earning an income. We had rent coming and other expenses and were brain storming ideas. After we ran through all ideas and nothing sounded like it would work my mom said, "I have a friend who has found men who pay money for her pictures. Maybe we could try that?" Being so desperate for any income I said sure. So I took some pictures of my mom. It wasn't working so my mom suggested we try something new....she needed to be nude.
10 Sep 2022 exploring34 commented
I love it when my sister lets me crash at her place.
10 Sep 2022 exploring34 commented
My ex gf and I are still really close and we talk about everything. I don't know how this topic came up one day but I told her how I think my sister is trying to seduce me or tease me. My ex gf didn't believe me so I said just wait, I will show you in the next day. I will show her what she does around me. That evening I was doing the dishes and my sister came into the kitchen. She grabbed something from the fridge and started snacking on it. I turned around from the sink and this is what I saw..
13 Aug 2022 exploring34 commented
I've found that they love to bend over and be used as a sex toy.
24 Jun 2022 exploring34 commented
I used to hate sharing a bedroom with my sister. I always begged my parents for my own room. But as we got older I started to appreciate it more and more.
04 Jun 2022 exploring34 commented
I will never forget the family vacation in 2015. We went to Hawaii. I don't remember anything that we did there but it was the best trip ever. It was the first trip my sister switched to thong bikinis. Let's just say I had to buy extra storage for my phone.
04 Jun 2022 exploring34 commented
When my sister would be gone I would sneak into her room and look at her panties and I used my imagination to picture what she'd look like in them. Sometimes I get lucky and get to have the fun of seeing the panties on the real thing.
04 Jun 2022 exploring34 commented
My parents left my sister and I home alone for the weekend while they took a little trip. Saturday morning I told my sister I was heading to my basketball tournament that was supposed to last all day. When I got to the gym, water was all over the courts so they cancelled it. I headed up and went into the house. I called for my sister but there was no answer. I looked around the house and couldn't find her. Then I peeked out the window. I couldn't help but to masturbate right there at the window.
04 Jun 2022 exploring34 commented
I was always in better shape than my sister but I pretended like I wasn't. I wanted to be in the back behind her. It was just a better view from back there.
04 Jun 2022 exploring34 commented
My sister is so amazing. She was visiting my gf and I and we decided to go to the beach all together. Before we left, I pulled my sister aside and told her, "this might be weird for you but my gf is a nudist so you might see her naked today." "oh, that's totally ok. No problem." So we went to the beach. My gf took off all her clothes and I turned around and saw my sister standing there naked too. "What are you doing?" I asked. "It's a nude beach, we're supposed to be naked." Supportive sister.
04 Jun 2022 exploring34 commented
When my sister said I could live with her until I found my own place I didn't know how close we'd become. Over time, she began wearing less and less around the apartment. Apparently she felt comfortable around me. After a couple of months, this was a common view for me. Our bedrooms were next to each other so I'm pretty sure she could hear me masturbate. I just wonder if she knew I was thinking about her while I did.
26 May 2022 exploring34 commented
@OpenMarriage1 Can I watch too?
07 Feb 2022 exploring34 commented
@SD464 Me too!
24 Sep 2021 exploring34 commented
@Bjeff Totally!
11 Sep 2021 exploring34 commented
@rebels75q1 They really are.
05 Jun 2021 exploring34 commented
Looks like father/daughter weekend.
09 Apr 2021 exploring34 commented
This was the moment my sister realized she just let her younger brother cum inside her.