04 Aug 2013 davidvids commented
@pgwta2 this one's for you, this was done quite a while ago however i had some problems uploading..
as always if you have any comments suggestions or reuests then post in the comments, i'll try my best to follow them up
04 Aug 2013 davidvids commented
I apologise for the shortness of the video, i almost forgot to press record, it literally fell out of me so that's why it's quite short..
As always if you have any comments suggestions or requests feel free to write them :) i'll always reply and always try my best to follow them up
22 May 2013 davidvids commented
@pgwta2 i'll see what i can do for the next one
09 May 2013 davidvids commented
Hi guys here's another video of me taking a shit, this one was completely natural meaning no pushing was done, it all came out by itself, i just laid there and relaxed and let the shit flow out, it felt weird but it was worth it.
As always if you have any comments, suggestions, or requests, feel free to comment, i will try my best to do as you ask :)
03 May 2013 davidvids commented
me having a shit, if you like it, never done anything like this before, not video anyway, always been interested in shit, just never played with it