17 Jun 2019 Trashed72 commented
I will say this was the best kill in the series. Mae Meyers scene was just odd. It's like he messed up and decided to do one of his lame neck crunches. That said, the body pile/disposal in part 3 was just so poorly done. What a shame. I often wonder why they didn't bother to get something like that right. All these movies often feel rushed.
08 Jun 2019 Trashed72 commented
Some of these have really not aged well. Good ol' Movie Maker.
31 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@Closedeyesnecro I will say that keeping their eyes closed, or at least turning their heads away, would have solved a ton of issues with PST. His jump cuts due to editing were just so distracting to me. JohnM obviously just zooms the camera in close often to avoid the eye blinks, but that can be even worse. He films in tight way too much. In combination with his "sloppy" style, I often didn't know what I was looking at.
30 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@killiefish No worries. someone had posted a scene here, but not the entire movie. I just posted that segment as I liked the chaos going on to the girls at the same time. One is being beaten, one raped, several fondled. Now if several had been raped at once, that would have truly been epic with that wide angled shot. It was part of the Japanese sexploitation era. Some truly amazing films. But yes, they are definitely over the top.
30 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
Just bath in the beauty of this two and half minutes. So much pussy, so little time.
30 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
I always loved this movie as a kid. It spawned one of my ultimate erotic-horror fantasies. a bus full of women. A half a dozen men raping 6 at a time. Bound women riding their attackers, breasts bouncing while the writhe in horror as they're raped. Along with several pair of feet in the air, stressing constantly with the rhythm of their attackers thrusts into their cunts. The men taking their time as they go from one woman to the next. Until finally growing bored and strangling them all.
28 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
Lol, screwed up the title on the video. Oh well, like anyone cares.
28 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
Not much positive to say. This one is pure fantasy. Still, hopefully the custom customer enjoyed it. I do wonder why he doesn't remove his abrupt zooms in post. They look sloppy and add nothing to the final product. Anyway, the girls were cute and unlike his other multis, he fucked everyone he murdered. As it should be. Too bad his killers are so, meh.
28 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@asphyxfan182 I never cared for the exposition, but the overkill in the scene was erotic as hell. Damn near taking her head off. Messy, but it gets the job done. Yes, lovely legs and feet look even better while dying.
27 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
Great scene
27 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@Dsx_Zg I don't follow DSX. She was strangled and Fucked. I didn't include everything and left out a couple of women that were oddly murdered and not fucked. I'm certain the original is on here somewhere.
26 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
There's nothing sexier than dead a spread. Her rapist and murdered has, with a cord, transformed a proper, caring, passionate being, everything she was before her rape, into what we see before us. A used husk. Beaten, bruised and open for business. An object that now only exists for pleasure. It won't disapprove, complain or judge. It now only exists to satisfy. Beat it if you feel the need. All aboard! Be sure to bring the lube. It's going to be a long day.
26 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@Lipuliki She's long since retired and she didn't do many I'm afraid.
26 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
26 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
Here's a very quick edit of DD's Asphyxia: The Movie. Not a favorite, but something with which I thought I could work. There's likely a couple stuck frames and quick zooms by Maxx that I was too lazy to remove. Anyway, it's a Maxx vehicle. Loud, sloppy and campy. It could have been so much better. I removed a couple of the sillier kills and rearranged a few things. With more makeup, hostility and rape...who knows? Weak fake rape, but, kudos to the guy fucking the little blond fairly hard.
24 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@SilkKnot I'm not sure which one she was, but while I think they all did a good job (I excluded the tasered blond at the beginning. Odd, quick death that didn't match the theme. Why they included her and quickly moved her off screen. Who knows?) Apparently this was filmed for his biggest custom customer who was watching them film. JohnM was apparently annoyed he had to work with ChrisB again one final time. I wanted to fuck girl one, but the little redhead did the best acting job, imo.
24 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
I also always laugh at how only one guy can fuck one girl in these multi-girl movies. It's hilarious. I'll fuck her and her and you fuck her and her. Like fucking every victim would be against the law. I'd love to see a multi-killer, multigirl where every victim gets fucked by every killer. Most of the sex is fake anyway, why not? It doesn't matter the producer, If a girl is murdered to be raped, you can only fuck her once and it always has to be the same guy. :D
24 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
A quick edit of Product Party Strangle I did years back in order to make a big GIF. Not a great flick, but I always enjoyed it. The girls were pretty and did a solid job, although both actors were crap and the girl I wanted to see fucked was not. Typical PKF, low realism along with terrible fake and dick through the zipper sex. But any rape is better than nothing. The forced fellatio on the Asian girl while her friend was dying was a nice touch. Even if it wasn't focused on enough.
23 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@killiefish Thank you. I've tried to tone down my "women are only holes to fuck and throw away" attitude, but it is the driving force behind this kink for me and I enjoy writing some reprehensible shit to explain the context of my compilations. The violence is what I enjoyed. There should be terror, loss, pain and the scars of battle before the triumph of her pussy and brutal demise. Obviously that is not the type of flick they make now. It's sterile and almost silly these days.
23 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@Bobfish4601 I'm betting they are all here. But they can be tricky to find sometimes.
23 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@Dsx_Zg I actually tried to get a cute cam girl that did customs to do a picture set just like this. I love the angle. My only beef is I would have liked to see her top pulled up, her tits/face wet with some perspiration from the struggle and something slimy resembling cum on her tits or stomach. Finally some liquid between her legs during the final photos as she lets go of life and pisses the floor after her rape and murder.

I never got a reply from the camgirl. :)
22 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@Bobfish4601 I added music because many of the scenes had their own background music that I could not remove. With so many edits, some often just a few seconds, their would have been a different soundtrack that did not match with every new scene. Not only that, but his volume levels were often out of whack. Bill was not great at the technical aspects of production. Imagine with every cut, different background music playing. I generally don't like music either, but I had no choice.
07 May 2019 Trashed72 commented
@Bobfish4601 I don't know what to tell you, Bob. Just go back to your normal Saturday night routine of sniffing your mummy's soiled undies. It's worked well enough for 40 years. Why stop now?
28 Apr 2019 Trashed72 commented
@SilkKnot I think I was actually the one that got JohnM to take notice Raven Alexis way back in the day. I was a big fan of her earlier work and she was in one custom of mine. Although she did come across as rather generic when she began cranking out a ton of flicks with smaller producers.
14 Feb 2019 Trashed72 commented
@create It's in the title. CK's I Want You Dead. A good kill despite her heavy convulsions/twitching. I do think Victoria Lawson was arguably the best erotic-horror actress ever, but the director should have toned those two things down big time. However, when she acted without those, she was amazing. It could have been a custom thing, but poor direction is likely to blame. There was no rape in this flick as many CK and DP were pretty awful, imho. Somewhere to dump cheap customs.
09 Jan 2019 Trashed72 commented
@Akashi4 Trinity St. Clair. She apparently a very dirty actress and spread STD's around on a couple of different occasions according to a producer I spoke to way back when. How true that was....well...
26 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@Sadotto If you have ever seen crime scene photos of women that have been raped and strangled, unless they were just quickly dumped, or were beaten to a pulp before being asphyxiated, they almost always had their wrists and ankles bound.. It's laughable to me that erotic-horror victims simply keep their hands to their sides while only meekly attempting to escape. Outside of spontaneous murders, they would be bound and usually murdered with a ligature as hand strangulation is more diffi
20 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@girlfootlover She was an incredible actress with a really cute, tight body. I tend to forget about her when thinking of PST's best models that worked in more than one series of movies for him.. That said, she was a one of the better actresses.
20 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@luvpanties69 Karlie Montana was hot as hell. If i could fuck any erotic-horror actress in her prime, it would probably be her. When she first jumped into the adult industry, she was cute as hell. Not so much these days. It's difficult decision, but she was absolutely gorgeous, imo.
20 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@luvpanties69 Lacy as far as I remember. This was produced by a short-lived custom company a decade ago. I never saw her in anything other than the few movies she starred in with these guys.
20 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@luvpanties69 The credits have the titles in order (usually). The one you were referring to is PST's Survival of the Fittest 3. Good movie concept. Great actress. A good series, save for the final one which was crap. Like most enticing series, if the custom buyer quits buying them, he didn't produce anymore. Even if it was popular. Unfortunately, that's why a lot of good PST series ended after a few movies.These days with Bill dead it's PTF and very little realism or high violence.
19 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@girlfootlover Oh, duh. My bad. It's PST's I Finally Fucked my Little Girl. I can find you a link after the holidays if I remember. I'm kind of in the thick of it for the next couple of weeks however and have my drives packed away.
19 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@girlfootlover I'm assuming you meant shoe and not boot. Since only one woman has a shoe on for any length of time, you must be referring to the PST movie, Raped, Beaten and Strangled to Death. Asphyxaphilia linked it three posts below.
11 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
The black actor here is Mr Marcus. Bill (owner/Slade) wanted to make him his main actor for a spell and film a bunch of black men killing white women custom offers he had piling up. However, Mr Marcus forged his medical report as he was just getting over an STD. Bill was as sketchy as any porn producer, but it was good to see he had standards and never had him back as an actor after that. Krissy was as solid as ever in this one.
10 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@onehotcock I know many are into the father/daughter fantasy incest thing. However, I could never get into that myself. While the fantasy of an opportunistic killer that preys on relatives is an exciting one, I tend to keep it to hot nieces, cousins and aunts, myself. :)
10 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@gp33 Wondershare Filmora. It's a mid-level type program from the looks of it. It has some lag issues which are a bit of a pain, but my system is as old as dirt.
06 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@mike04071 Thank you. I believe my proudest moment with this edit is that I actually remembered to put it in the correct resolution before creating the final video and deleting the project. :) Although in my defense, when I used Movie Maker, its export options were limited. I always enjoyed the strangles on the violent side. They were rare, but these are some of the better examples.The most difficult thing to do in these edits is usually editing around the lousy male acting and jump cu
03 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@johnsteinback69 No worries, who watches these types of vids to the very end. :) I rarely did.
03 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
@johnsteinback69 They are listed in the end credits.
01 Dec 2018 Trashed72 commented
My apologies for the wacky audio levels. The problem is some PST are incredibly loud, while others were incredibly quiet. I can post this without music if someone wants it, but that version still has its issues. A couple beloved scenes here including Mae Meyer's corpse getting fucked in Taken 2. It has been my favorite necro scene for quite some time. It's how I wish they were all done. I love how dead she looked. She did a great acting job. As did several of these actresses.