19 Feb 2024 SoftNSlimyForMe commented
@fossie67 But that's kind of part of the problem. People who're way into this stuff don't feel and experience it the same way as people who don't, I think. I want to believe they're just little nibbles, but maybe years of doing it has lead to them damaging nerve endings that don't let you feel them the same way or something?
19 Feb 2024 SoftNSlimyForMe commented
@lurka ..Doesn't it hurt? Like, a lot? I've read the larger ones are far from gentle..

BSF are too prickly, like letting a fuzzy cactus down your cock.. Rat tails were a little ugly and not eager enough, fruit fly larva too small to have an impact..

Classic fly maggots have the right urgency but want everything I don't. :(
18 Feb 2024 SoftNSlimyForMe commented
I sometimes wish I were into CBT.. I want this so, so bad, but I just don't have the pain tolerance to be chewed up like that..
06 Jun 2021 SoftNSlimyForMe commented
@Dracomance It's in the title. :) I couldn't figure out this exact species, though.
30 May 2021 SoftNSlimyForMe commented
They caused quite a lot of swelling around the hole.. Lots and lots of repeated bites.