25 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Wow that's stupid, to the dude that said it "looks fake to me" no shit, it's not even actual slow motion, they are just moving slow.
25 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
@Chrissy27 Thank you, screams, crying, begging etc. do not need musical accompaniment. Ever.
25 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Heh, that blade is ground completely flat on the leading edge. Not blaming, just saying. That knife will never be right.
25 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
@GuzziGuy Yeah there is a QS lot like this one, not self done though. Bitch was even more pale if I remember. Have a screencap of it in my list of stuff to do my photoshop edits on.

This is OK but will never do it for me though if she won't show the pain on her face. Most important part.
25 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
4,4,4,4,4,4,4 Cause it's her special day and I want to ruin it.
20 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
That is sad on so many levels. Not the least of which the person seems to think puns are the way to make friends.
20 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
First thing I'd do is make em turn off the fucking music.
20 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Sooo, why is he scary? Cause hes got some muscles? Cause he squeals like a pig when he cums? Or maybe because he lets her slap him without any repercussions?

Bout as scary as my dachshund. Actually my dog is scarier, seen her charge full grown 60 lb male dogs, and they take off.
20 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
What is dripping out of 1's cunt?
19 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
God I want to take a knitting needle and pop all those worthless fucking fake ass stupid ass fucking tits.
19 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Wow that's viscous the hooks are even barbed.
19 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Heh looks like there is cum all over her shirt, but I think it's a dirty mirror.
19 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
You know I looked at stuff at bellypain before, and the stuff I looked at seemed to mainly be love taps with more acting like they hurt than actually hurting. Maybe I need to look closer.
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
God she was sexy. Did some decent music too. Trying to remember her name. Debbie something I think
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
@murderwhore666 In fairness she didn't have much to work with in this story. Quick death with no rape before or during death.
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Wow that is the first time I have seen a slit throat in one of these that actually works. Well done effect, usually there is just a bit of blood on the neck and no spray. Amazing.
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
I'm amazed how long I actually watched this considering it doesn't involve any of my fetishes, and not into regular ballet either. Impressive skill.
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Lol I give it a week...
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
@stiff1xxx Yeah the bigger error was the use of the word "grate" heh. She is good though. Hot too.
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Hopefully they bought it for him permanent.
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
That is definitely legit, can tell by her legs muscle tone.
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Wow that is something else, shame her face wasn't in the way.
18 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
OK by any measure at all, that is weird.
17 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Signed SickArtist, Think I had a breakthrough on figuring out how to make cum look more shiny and realistic. I figured it out right at the end of making this one, so it doesn't actually show up here (didn't feel like starting all over heh). But excited about how it could work out next one.

Otherwise this one is ok.
17 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Signed SickArtist, This is my work on the lovely Franziskas of @AbuseHerSaggers. Created by request.
16 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
So why is she always so concerned with not showing all of her tits, well except she does let em peek through but always covering. Don't get it lol.
16 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
@capitolbill Her crying would be much better music.
16 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
She would have been dead in a couple days from starvation anyway. Basically a mercy killing.
16 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Godamn motherless is wonky tonight.
16 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Two other things I was really proud of.

First was how well I was able to combine someone else tits on her and make it look real. Hard to tell after the bruises and cum, but before I added that stuff you couldn't tell they weren't her real tits.

The second was making the wet area on her dress actually look wet and not just dark.

All in all my new favorite of all my work.
16 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Two other things I was really proud of.

First was how well I was able to combine someone else tits on her and make it look real. Hard to tell after the bruises and cum, but before I added that stuff you couldn't tell they weren't her real tits.

The second was making the wet area on her dress actually look wet and not just dark.

All in all my new favorite of all my work.
16 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
@EvilFucker88 Thanks, I think I am getting a bit obsessive with all this. Keep trying out new techniques, etc. I at least am happy with my methods for bruising for the most part.

Actually since this one I came up with what I think will work great for realistic looking cum from now on (I hope anyway).

The stuff I'm really trying to get right are fluids, cum, blood and tears. Also trying to figure out how to get realistic looking wet (pissed on) skin.
16 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Signed - SickArtist, Love this one. The photoshop work is ok, but the story just came to me as I worked on it. It got kinda long but I think it's worth it.

It will make more sense if you read the top and bottom parts before you read each cuntholes individual thoughts on the matter.
13 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Love it permanent reminder.
13 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
My guess hes monitoring her weight, only way she is allowed sweets.
13 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
Good video, but when will porn camera men learn that absolutely nobody needs to know what a mans face looks like when he is coming. Fucking idiots.
13 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
I save all my favorites into various galleries, all categorized appropriately. I have no idea what category to put this in but damn it's gotta go somewhere cause it's fucking hot.
13 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
This is amazing to me. I'm generally not into that much belly fat, but somehow I am finding her irresistibly sexy.
13 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
I'm picturing her thinking, "see how do you like it when your the one groped". Then immediately realizing he likes it, he likes it very much, and regretting her tactic.
13 Aug 2017 Sickartist commented
This kinda shit seems like one of the quickest ways I can think of to spend a night in jail. Short of you know, punching a cop. Assuming there is no collusion between them anyway.