15 Oct 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Watching those leeches burying themselves into you, it's almost as if they were trained pets, accepting their owner's bladder as their second home. Lovely!
15 Oct 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Your videos never fail to get me wet. <3 Have you ever thought about using an endoscope and let us see what the leeches are doing inside your bladder?
15 Oct 2023 Schleichkatze commented
@Renio beautiful video! How many leeches do you have and did you ever have more than one go in at a time? @fredbloggs55 And you wouldn't even have to buy a fish tank for him. He could just live inside of you at all times.
15 Oct 2023 Schleichkatze commented
I really wonder why it was so reluctant to go in at first. If I were a leech, I'd immediately dive into that pretty cock.
26 Sep 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Could you feel him moving inside you?
26 Jul 2023 Schleichkatze commented
It's great seeing these huge and lively worms vanishing into your peehole. Did any worm ever make it out alive? Also, have you ever thought about pumping small fish into your bladder?
20 Jul 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Poor worm. Looks like he really wanted to be inside you...
20 Jul 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Wirklich unglaublich, dass die Egel dir ganz freiwillig bis in die Blase kriechen. Ich finde es auch toll und erregend, dass er den Ausflug offenbar überlebt hat. Kannst du sie dann eigentlich noch spüren, wenn sie in deiner Blase sind? Schwimmen sie dort drinnen umher? <3
19 Jul 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Incredible! Looks like you're filled to the brim. <3
19 Jul 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Lovely! How many of them did you put into yourself? And did they stay in there after you've pulled out the speculum?
18 Jul 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Oh wow, that thing is just huge. I don't have the slightest clue as to what kind of worm this is, but I'd love to have one crawling into me, too. At the same time, I can surely understand why she's screaming that much...
15 Jul 2023 Schleichkatze commented
Oh my, this is just so hypnotizing to watch. <3 The worm kinda looks as if he could rip your insides apart if he had a bad day, though.