29 Aug 2022 JohannaX commented
@darkjohnpain In the case of this serial torture-killer victim fantasy I actually prefer still being unconscious for the preparation; I'm knocked out as part of the abduction and I'm stripped down to my underwear and strapped down onto the torture table before I wake up. The thought of waking up to find myself like that is just so terrifying: particularly as this fantasy is the only one of mine that has a tiny chance of happening to me for real which gives it that extra level of intens
27 Aug 2022 JohannaX commented
@darkjohnpain The reason it's not perfect is that it doesn't show enough of everything; the knock out and the stripping are missing for example.
23 Aug 2022 JohannaX commented
@darkjohnpain It's why this is close to the perfect fantasy for me; https://motherless.com/9160A2A
16 Aug 2022 JohannaX commented
@darkjohnpain That's why one of my top fantasies is being abducted by a serial torture-killer who electroshocks his victims for hours for no other reason than to hear and see them screaming in agony.
16 Jul 2022 JohannaX commented
@alias_hot Not every electroshock torture fantasy needs to be an interrogation.
05 May 2022 JohannaX commented
@Madracer81 Never use electricity directly from the power source; batteries are much safer.
03 May 2022 JohannaX commented
@Deputydog0707 I can't remember what site I got it off, sorry.
03 May 2022 JohannaX commented
@Deputydog0707 Yes but this is the only part with electrotorture in it.
08 Feb 2022 JohannaX commented
@bslsk Yes.
18 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty The clips and wires are interesting; not the usual electrical clamps and cables, more of a homemade thing made as a dedicated torture device.
09 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty One small benefit for the victim is if the water bucket is used during an electrical torture session because they've passed out from the pain and stress of the shocks the cold water will bring some relief to the burning aches in whatever areas the current has been applied (until they start up the shocks again of course).
09 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty That's probably just a happy bonus for torturers.
09 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty Even when you're expecting it you're still never completely braced for it when the water hits you. If the victim isn't stripped it has the useful side effect for the torturer/s of making the drenched clothing enhance the current by clinging to the skin and spreading its reach and increasing its power (like in this particular scene her underwear is going to make the taser shocks hurt even more becasue it'll be drenched and clinging to her skin even tighter than it norma
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty Even if you'd extracted all the info (or didn't want/need any info in the first place) and just wanted to inflict excruciating agony on them you'd probably still want to hear their screams.
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty Locking up like that would need a massively powerful (fatal or close to fatal) electric shock; the kind that would cramp your muscles so much that you couldn't even scream.
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty The very realistic reactions in this vid are actually very good for comparing the reactions in other vids. If you see a woman being tortured with electricity in a movie/TV show/game/whatever and she's not reacting close to the way the woman in this vid is reacting (particularly if the electric shocks are being applied to much more sensitive areas) that means it just isn't realistic.
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty I think the reason most porn torture scenes don't do the realistic screaming (apart from bad acting and shooting locations where the noise could too much attention) is they're going for the bdsm market; the people who are happy to see a woman getting hurt but would find watching a woman getting realistically tortured too extreme. Mainstream movies and TV usually go in the other direction because if the torture looks realistic it makes things more dramatic.
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty The acting is definitely better than the rope work.
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty That would explain why the bedframe was his first thought for using to restrain her and why he went for a shock rod instead of attaching the wires (although they used both).
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty It's not being played up (apart from all being acting of course); the pain of an electric shock really does have that effect (particularly with more traditional electrode placement); you can't help screaming like that.
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
I like how rough and ready and improvised the torture is even though the mains current can be fatal (which is why you should never use it in roleplays and why real life torturers avoid using it). Shock rods (improvised or specially made) cause a different type of fear to fixed clamps because you don't know where the torturer might place them on your body (even if you can probably guess).
Being tortured in your own home and on your own bed would be an extra level of metal suffering as well.
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
If I was in that situation I'd be relieved that they only put the clamps in the water: shocks to the feet hurt but it could be a lot worse.
06 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
This vid is a good example of the pros and cons of mainstream torture scenes; the reactions to getting an electric shock are every realistic and the restraints are practical (pros). But the placement of the electrodes is ratings friendly (con). In most porn torture scenes the reactions are weak and the restraints are usually bad/impractical (cons) but the electrodes are usually placed much more realistically (pro). Nice to see the capture of the victim as a part of the buildup to the torture.
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty it's above average (like all their stuff); but it's got a story really so it still feels homemade and doesn't draw me in to feel like I'm there.
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty I think that might be why you see them used a lot; they work as a milder kind of electrical torture for people who don't want to go all the way and feel the full thing.
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty They give more of rising pain; they're built for muscle massage so even turn up high they don't give that instant jolt of pain that you get from devices that have an instant on/off switch/button or from something like shock rods that cause an instant jolt on contact with the victim.
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty I haven't been able to find any more pics of this; doesn't seem the kind of thing you'd just take one of.
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty It comes after this bit in the vid; https://motherless.com/GBC7B264/4FC41F0
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty The don't have the little sharp teeth like alligator clips but their size adds extra tugging pain.
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty I'm cure there has to be a video somewhere but I've never managed to find it.
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty It's a very realistic setup from proper torture which makes it very hot.
04 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty The only thing spoiling it is the gag; it makes no sense if it's an interrogation (where they would obviously need her to be able to speak) or if it's just being done as pure sadism or punishment/revenge (where the torturer would obviously want to hear her screams).
01 Dec 2021 JohannaX commented
Good restraints and realistic set up. The naked interrogator isn't welcome and the victim undersells the reactions to what is an extremely painful experience. But she still looks and acts distressed enough to give me a connection to her situation (and that makes it a hot vid for me).
30 Nov 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty Definitely. And the reactions of the victims are mostly underwhelming; even when it's not being shown as a turn on for them they still don't make enough noise or movement (usually just moans and shudders). Speaking from personal experience, when you get an electric shock (particularly to a sensitive area of your body) you can't help making a lot of noise and moving as much as your restraints will allow.
30 Nov 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty For all fans of realistic torture the problem is mainstream scenes have the budget and acting but have to be toned down to meet the certificate ratings; porn doesn't care about certificate ratings, but has a smaller budget and worse acting and is more interested in sex than torture. So we get bland vanilla things like forced orgasms and tickling etc being called torture and lots of unnecessary ropework that's meant to be sexy instead of being about realistic restraints
30 Nov 2021 JohannaX commented
@Shocking_Beauty I just wish he'd used the jumper cables in a more realistic way; or if they didn't want to have them clamped to the victim then use one or two shock rods instead. It's still a hot vid but it could have been much hotter.
27 Nov 2021 JohannaX commented
@BitchHunter666 The ideal fantasy would see me screaming for hours under the most severe electro torture.
08 Oct 2021 JohannaX commented
@Hangman41 Biking is one of those activities like jogging (and even horse riding) that seems to increase your risk of being stalked (with worse to follow).
02 Oct 2021 JohannaX commented
@BitchCollector You'd know that they were going to torture you but you probably wouldn't known how unless the electroshock equipment was in plain sight on a table or shelf or something; then just seeing the shape of the rod and the wire attached to it would give you a big clue what they had in store for you.
01 Oct 2021 JohannaX commented
@BitchCollector It's a very frightening sensation when you can't see what the torturer is doing but then you feel the first touch of the cold hard metal against your sensitive flesh then the increasingly uncomfortable stretching as it's forced inside you.