13 Jul 2016 Gadgetzan commented
she's amazing, please post more vids of her if you've got any
19 Jun 2016 Gadgetzan commented
do you have any other videos like this?
08 Feb 2016 Gadgetzan commented
where is this from?
20 Jan 2016 Gadgetzan commented
that's really hot
29 Jul 2015 Gadgetzan commented
Well found out a bit for anyone else interested, it's a clip published by House of Milan in the 80's, and seems to be part of a series of clips you can find around on various sites by searching Violence01 through to Violence09, this being 09
20 Jun 2015 Gadgetzan commented
Holy fuck, he has to suffer some serious blood loss, that's literally spraying blood O.o
24 Apr 2015 Gadgetzan commented
this is the same couple
10 Apr 2015 Gadgetzan commented
Does anyone know where this is from? i remember reading it somewhere before, but i have forgotten
17 May 2014 Gadgetzan commented
Damn she is gorgeous
23 Mar 2013 Gadgetzan commented
This is hot and all, but seriously, they have to take some sort of pain meds before doing these videos, I can't imagine anyone standing that sort of pain and not screaming their lungs out
05 Jul 2012 Gadgetzan commented
So beautiful and cute, yet so filthy dirty. I'm in love. Her eyes stare into my soul and I'm loving every second of it.