30 Jun 2023 FormicaBeast commented
@Wooski Good question, I've had maggots, small black ants and earth worms inside my cock and groin. I think it comes down to how large the bug/insect is, where it decides to go (scrotum or bladder) and how much you've had to drink to flush them out. In the case of the small black sugar ants, they actually started crawling in both directions inside me. I loved it, feeling them munching on the insides of my cock, groin and balls!! But no, I find that usually whatever goes in, comes out.
30 Jun 2023 FormicaBeast commented
Awesome vid, reminds me of when I let a mate shove maggot infested chops up my ass!! It was incredible the way they wriggled around inside my ass and then they started munching on my intestines and I loved it, big time!!. Thanks for the vid and the memories mate. ;)
21 Apr 2023 FormicaBeast commented
Grrrr, yummy looking cock mate, I love it and you're fucking cute, thanks for sharing mate.
18 Apr 2023 FormicaBeast commented
If you really wanted to cut and stab your cock, try a sharper knife, I could always help you if you want...
02 Apr 2023 FormicaBeast commented
You've got a sexy body, wish I was nearby so we could have some fun. Subbing you now mate, cheers!!
19 Mar 2023 FormicaBeast commented
Good amount of maggots, longer video, large cum load and nice cock, what's not to love about this video. HOT!!!! VERY HOT!!!