25 Nov 2017 ElectroChairBoy commented
I want to sit in it SOOOO bad, all the straps wrapping around me holding me in...
08 Nov 2017 ElectroChairBoy commented
Mmmmm I'd love to be able to try that thing on...
06 Sep 2017 ElectroChairBoy commented
I'm seeing wires and such in these photos. Does that thing actually work in some manner, or are the electrical bits e-stim or something like that?
08 Dec 2016 ElectroChairBoy commented
I sort of want to know how that feels... by strapping in and trying it out myself!
06 Dec 2016 ElectroChairBoy commented
I want to sit in that, strapped in with the electrocution helmet attached to my head... see how it feels...
06 Nov 2016 ElectroChairBoy commented
If a girl strapped me into a chair like that, I'd BEG her to electrocute me instead.