04 Nov 2023 DrewPeacock81 commented
The best way to feed them, no star scars. I like to pinch off and let them go to around the semen duct.
04 Nov 2023 DrewPeacock81 commented
@whocaresanway10 I don't mind them sucking blood, to be honest, I want them to, I love the feeling, as long as it doesn't cause me to hemorrhage. :)
03 Nov 2023 DrewPeacock81 commented
03 Nov 2023 DrewPeacock81 commented
I am determined to get some and have them go in to play, I am experienced in sounding but never had leeches before. Any advice?
03 Nov 2023 DrewPeacock81 commented
Awesome, what type is this? I would like to get one.
01 Nov 2023 DrewPeacock81 commented
What type of leech is this and is it still easy to pee the big ones out? I am concerned if I use a bloodsucker they will get stuck in my bladder.
01 Nov 2023 DrewPeacock81 commented
I want to start but I am not sure which species to get. Also, I would like to keep them in a long time without harming them. Any recommendations?
01 Nov 2023 DrewPeacock81 commented
@joshua069 Do they all enter? I am very interested in keeping one. I would like them to stay in and be safe but I am not so sure that will work.