24 May 2024 Dracomance commented
Rly, i want to try that :3
18 May 2024 Dracomance commented
How it feels? how did you get many? next time can show the bugs?
18 May 2024 Dracomance commented
Oh, looks so fun
06 May 2024 Dracomance commented
I love it! How I would love to be able to try with so many mosquitoes! ufff so hot. Too bad I don't know where to look for an area a bit hidden here to have privacy.
26 Dec 2023 Dracomance commented
@boysimbol It hardly hurts, it feels like you're being scratched.
19 Dec 2023 Dracomance commented
@spider_zero There are several pages like leeches.com for example (although in the end they are the same people but with a different name). Although recently I can't recommend them very much: prices have gone up through the roof, shipping costs in my case were horrendous, the package arrived full of mold and it seemed that almost all of them had died (in the end they turned out to be very hard and none of them died ) and on top of that, the store where I bought them wanted to ignore th
19 Dec 2023 Dracomance commented
@spider_zero sadly I didn't notice anything, just excitement for the visual u__u
Maybe it's because I've been using leeches and needles for so long that I've lost some sensitivity
03 Dec 2023 Dracomance commented
@Skyedog55 check my old videos, i have one with 18 at once 😂
26 Nov 2023 Dracomance commented
@mjamesman70 (part 2) it in absorbent paper and then wrap it with plastic, pressing quite tightly. Then it's a matter of being "careful" for a couple of days and not getting too excited so that the wounds don't reopen.
26 Nov 2023 Dracomance commented
@mjamesman70 When they latch you feel some small cuts, which are their teeth as they pierce your skin. Sometimes it hurts more, sometimes less, but it is always a very hot and erotic sensation.
While they are feeding it is rare to feel anything, since their saliva contains anesthetic elements, but on rare occasions if you concentrate you can notice a small flow of blood coming out continuously. The bleeding depends a lot, it can last a few hours, what I do is wrap it in absorbent pap
26 Oct 2023 Dracomance commented
24 new leeches + 4 veterans from 1 year ago.
3 are fed, the rest are hungry
16 Oct 2023 Dracomance commented
Ohhhh veeery hot 😍
I want to try one of those horsefly on my glans 😋😜
And nice fatty leeches, they bites has to be big 🤤
01 Aug 2023 Dracomance commented
Oh, it must be very "fun", I would like to try it, but I don't know where there would be so many mosquitoes. At most I have managed to try with 1 u_u
27 Jul 2023 Dracomance commented
@infiniti_90 bought mine on leech(DOT)com, try there
16 Jun 2023 Dracomance commented
I'm not willing to let them go inside, at most a little in the urethra and feed there
12 May 2023 Dracomance commented
Absolutly great! now i want one (or more) of those on my glans... what kind of bug it is? u_u maybe i dont have the luck to get those on my country
21 Mar 2023 Dracomance commented
I want to try! but dont have luck catching bugs u___u
30 Dec 2022 Dracomance commented
Oh! nice! What kind of bug is it?
22 Nov 2022 Dracomance commented
@mihal6667 my biggest one measured about 20cm, buts was overfeeded and died u__u
14 Nov 2022 Dracomance commented
@mihal6667 I didn't measure it, but it was tiny and tripled in size at the end. Normally you only notice when it bites, but rarely you notice as a small continuous trickle of blood coming out. Be careful if it bites you in the urethra, it bleeds a lot. (I'm not fond of letting it go too deep)
10 Nov 2022 Dracomance commented
@spider_zero Just because I didn't see anything like this (just my old video) I decided to make a whole video myself. Sometimes you can feel a little hot, but the blood cools quickly.
17 Oct 2022 Dracomance commented
Woah! So hot! I love when the Blood start to flow 😍. Now im so excited waiting for snail season where i live. Just a question, any bites your glans? (Im more info glans thant shaft or foreskin)
08 Oct 2022 Dracomance commented
I love it when goes full deep, how it feels? I really want to try one of these but on my glans (too bad there aren't any of those bugs around here).
15 Sep 2022 Dracomance commented
ohhh wil be a water beetle video someday? here where i live lacks many of those funny insects u__u
10 Sep 2022 Dracomance commented
@IMKOXX Hahaha yes, too many at once. It was a mix of "halloween event" and depression (and one-time experience), but I was relieved and it helped me move on.
14 Jan 2022 Dracomance commented
@gt123x Pain for more than a week as well as some inflammation, in addition to not being able to masturbate because the wounds reopened
28 Dec 2021 Dracomance commented
how it feels? looks incredible
12 Dec 2021 Dracomance commented
Too bad it's out of focus. But I would love to try a bug like that (where I live there are only little ones). The video where takes out the proboscis would be missing
13 Nov 2021 Dracomance commented
@spider_zero They are from the same session as the other two videos;) not their first meal, but it seems they were hungry
09 Nov 2021 Dracomance commented
@spider_zero There is a third video that I will upload soon. But unfortunately several parts of the recording got corrupted
07 Nov 2021 Dracomance commented
Woah! overly nice! I would like to try one, but unfortunately there is no where I live
05 Nov 2021 Dracomance commented
@PwestFL i have 2 more videos, maybe next week i upload aonther. But a little spoiler: im more into feeding thant into diving
27 Oct 2021 Dracomance commented
@pasomc01 Oh, thanks
06 Jun 2021 Dracomance commented
what kind of bugs are they?