03 Dec 2023 DarkFader commented
After knocking you silly with blows to your belly, your pecs, and the sides of your head it's the blow from below that RAM up under your chin and SNAPS your head back that knocks you out and from then on your hot dark hairy ass crack belongs to the victor and after he's finished with your ass he rolls you over and sucks your massive leaking dick and empties your balls. A clear case of a loser that wins in the end 😈
03 Dec 2023 DarkFader commented
@Davidu33710 David it would always be a pleasure to cool you off in the same manner - it's always a thrill when the victim is in on the KILL
03 Dec 2023 DarkFader commented
@Watthew Thank YOU it's always a pleasure watching your body, your life, your soul in distress - so erotic and so FINAL
03 Dec 2023 DarkFader commented
There is nothing more erotic than watching your poisoned young lean body slowly pissing itself to death through your thick massive bobbing cock while your huge fertile balls hang there uselessly in your final minutes - not the way you had intended to leave this world but then, few get to choose how or when or why they leave this place
03 Dec 2023 DarkFader commented
Nicely frantically acted - 2nd time was the charm!
01 Dec 2023 DarkFader commented
I want that STUD in my stable for Christmas!
20 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
@sleepfan How do you think it would happen?? Drug in your beer, breath control too long, Chloro rag too soaked and held too long, hand choking for fun but then became serious, rear choke hold, left kicking at the end of the rope while I let your barking dog out?? SO many erotic ways to find you this way or MAKE you this way.... 😈
15 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
Unbelievably HAF WATT - a shower to DIE FOR!
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
@Johnnyplaysdead slender CAN be unassuming but it takes little effort, weight mostly, to strangle, smother, rear choke, stab or shoot a hot agent in the back and YOU Agent Johnson are that perfect agent
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
perfect firing squad pose Johnny, love the BBRRRTTT love the BBRRRTTT outfit BBRRRTTT
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
Agent Johnson at his best, laying down on the job - good thing it's in all his 'contracts'
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
Very sexy 2nd story ensemble Agent Johnson and very 'repairable' after staggering through a lead storm too - YOU on the other hand.....rinse and repeat
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
Who IS that sexy masked man - now that's he's been riddled with bullets it's time to find out.....
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
Johnny shot dead then posed as if ready to shoot his own dick off - well - he won't need where he's headed so......
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
shot, tied up, raped and sucked off - Johnny gets it SO bad - SO GOOD!
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
Your kerky jerking shooting deaths are POETRY Johnny keep on dying like you mean it - sure wish I lived closer and could DO YOU myself
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
Agent Johnson took a lot of hits before he finally collapsed, then was played like the sexy man-equin he is, being played with and posed for the Boss - then strip searched for valuable intel then tossed away like trash
01 Nov 2023 DarkFader commented
Always a treat watching you two off each other one way or another. Great acting, hot scene, sexy dead male bodies - what else could a guy wish for?!!
27 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Lee I must come around your place and strangle you more often - such a rock hard cock and big balls for shooting your seed into the air and all over your chest and face and a hot body to use, play with and molest after you've croaked your last note. Great death scene Lee - thanks for sharing!
19 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
What a pleasant and erotic surprise unzipping yet another drab body bag and finding your exceptional corpse occupying it!
18 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Definitely a HOT and brutal killing in a bathroom
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
BEST hanging vid by far Watthew! more of your belly so we can see it struggle, sexy happy trail, flimsy underwear showing off your bulging bouncing death boner pissing through your shorts and soaking your hot twitching hairy legs - you NAIILED it this time 😜
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Hot BULGING slab of meat, hanging by his croaking throat - very EROTIC!!
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Would love to see this from bellybutton and below, including the feet but with less of the floor - that's where the bulk of the beauty is
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Hott pissing as your body dies and that sexy croak at the end WOW!
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Love how your bulging boner tents your shorts as your bladder is emptying!
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Hanging you from the bathroom door was a hot sight to watch especially with your long thick curved cock tenting your flimsy underwear but when you start to piss yourself I knew the end was near so I realized your big hooded cock to give it the freedom to piss anywhere it wanted to in your last dying minute. Of course that wouldn't be the only fun your death erection and big low hanging balls would be having in the next hour or so .....
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Awesome hanging death Watthew, all the shaking and jerking about is a natural part of the body struggling to stay alive, but when your big pisser lets loose and soaks your briefs then it's a sign that the end is near and all that's left is the last load of your life from your big death boner and a few twitches afterwards as your brain revels in the last 'happy chemicals' of its life then shuts down for good
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
A very erotic and balletic pose of a man during and after his death
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Perfection Gatthew - the dead staring eyes, gaping mouth, jutting ribs, sunken belly, happy trail, bulging boxers, hairy legs with the feet hanging slightly open....definitely a meat toy now - unless CPR and RESUS can bring life back into his vital organ 😜🍆
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
@Watthew 😜🍆🤣😈
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
@Watthew Always glad to add a different slant on the situation - not to criticize at all - but to notice some aspect of your body or the scene which perhaps you may not realize is as hot as it truly is - and you've got a lot of truly hot angles and scenes left in your performances
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Perfectly stretched out dead, showing off his hairy pits, raised ribs and flat smooth belly, gorgeous bellybutton and happy trail spilling from it and the captivating death stare with the mouth hanging open - epitome of the perfect corpse!
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Man on his way to becoming a meat toy!
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Very dramatic body posture Watthew with your head falling back and thick throat arching forward, shoulder thrust up against the toilet, ribs raised, belly sunk, sexy strong hairy legs split wide open and hands limply draping across your groin - clearly demonstrating that 'died helpless and alone' look WOOF!!!
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
HOT POV on your dead body Wathtew but try arms out to your side or raised back pass shoulder height to show off your armpits and have a something wrapped around. your throat to add authenticity to the snapshot of the last seconds of your life 😈
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Dead eyyes staring, mouth hanging open.....the only thing missing is the rope, belt, or cable wrapped around your throat and your pic would be complete - finding you like this would be a treat for anybody 😜
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
@Watthew Thank YOU for sharing such a sexy vision of your brutal KO - nicely done
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
We all die alone but we don't all die with a body as young and appealing as your's Watthew. Keep dropping DEAD but don't forget to enjoy the youth in.your life while you have it 😜
17 Oct 2023 DarkFader commented
Being found DEAD in your puke is a horrible way to go but at least your beautiful young body can be bathed and cleaned up for an open casket viewing at your funeral. Nobody will know the horror of your death, they'll only see the beauty of your body as you're laid to rest.....what a waste